John Palino
Every Council decision must seek to make Auckland better.
Punitive charges placed on people wanting to visit their city centre exemplify Auckland Council’s loss of focus.
Why does the Council continue to use penalties and punishment to try to get what it wants and then resorts to turning up the dial when it’s not working?
If we want a more livable city, shouldn’t we be using less of the stick and more of the carrot?
Parking prices of up to $63 in the central city do not make Auckland more livable.
If the Council wants people to stop visiting the city, it should just say so.
If it wants people to visit but not to drive, then it should make alternatives better rather than raising the costs living for those residents who just want to visit their CBD.
Park and ride facilities at rail and busway stations are what the council should be focusing on, not beating residents into submission.
Residents and customers must be at the centre of Council policy, not bureaucratic objectives.
John Palino is a Mayoral Candidate for Auckland City.