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Asians blamed for faulty policy

Myopic policy distorts- June Ranson – 

New Zealand needs investment monies and it is the way this investment is managed that is at fault rather than the country’s Asian population.

The housing dilemma that Auckland is facing is due to short term planning by successive Governments and Councils on population growth and infrastructure needs.

Introducing the requirement that all house buyers have an IRD number will defeat the objective of growing New Zealand’s economy. Why not insist that buyers who are not citizens or residents of New Zealand only build a new home instead of purchasing existing properties? This way investment monies will be used to build houses and will help to ease the current housing shortage in Auckland.

Lowering impact

From a migration perspective, this means the offshore buyer is building new homes for New Zealand citizens and residents to live in and this lowers the impact on New Zealand resident buyers of existing homes.

June Ranson is Chairperson of New Zealand Association for Migration and Investment (NZAMI), an organisation comprising lawyers and licensed immigration advisers. NZAMI requires its members to uphold professional standards and comply with its strict Code of Ethics. Website:

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