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As we cross a milestone, we look for another

Three Hundred Issues for a newspaper may not constitute a major event but for a small entity like Indian Newslink, it is a significant milestone.

It is significant because we have lived through some of the most formidable challenges that the economy and the market posed over the years, not the least of which is technology that constantly threatens the printed word. The media industry has accepted and embraced electronic versions of journalism and advertising; and from the way the world is changing, even computers may become extinct very soon, with all information conveyed through a mobile phone held in the palm or worn around the wrist of the hand.

Lasting impression

We however believe (or would like to do so) that print journalism will continue at least from sometime, because reading something printed on paper, rather than seeing it on a screen is still fashionable.

There is a certain charm in raising your favourite newspaper on both hands and poring over it with intent, forming opinions and discussing them with family and friends. There are a few who would even write to the Editor agreeing or opposing a certain view printed. A healthy debate ensues and the newspaper is able to gauge public opinion on issues relating to the community, society, country or even the world.

We fervently pray that certain things should not change in this world – like the love between parents and children, the education process opens a career path, an inclusive society that fosters peace and harmony, good health that assures true happiness and a printed newspaper that can be shared by everyone.

Cherished Profession

All of us take our jobs seriously. We value journalism, printing and publishing as a profession, practised with sanctity, dignity and honour. Disseminating news and gathering public opinion cannot be a pastime, because a hobby could border on frivolity.

Good publications around the world set high standards and constantly strive to achieve them. They seldom consider that they are infallible; in fact, they seldom fail to own an odd mistake, apologise and learn. We believe that we belong to this class.

We have often faced critics saying that a community newspaper should only publish such news or stories that make that community look and feel good.

Indian Newslink does not profess to be a placid publication, purveying what is perceived to be ‘good news’ but a newspaper that takes a definitive stand on people and matters. The publication does not keep anyone’s soul except its own and has in the process, been a constant target of criticism.

In pursuing our duties, many have seen us as crossing their path and have made their displeasure known in no uncertain terms.

No favours

We have been taught to pursue journalism without fear or favour and lead on issues for the larger benefit of the society and the community we serve.

We have also been told that modesty is among the finest attributes for scribes, which is why, staff photographs (save for those of the owner on selected occasions) are seldom seen in this publication.

We have, sparingly, if at all, called an exclusive report as such, never claimed to have broken stories even on occasions when we did, because those were all a part of our job, our duty call and our service to the people.

In trying to lead a self-effacing existence, we have conscientiously avoided accolades that invariably form a part of every letter that is sent to the editor-some 200 per issue. They are skimmed, filtered and published in our web edition, always sans the intro.

Extended family

The belief that Indian Newslink belongs to the extended Indian community including Indians from India, Fiji and rest of the world, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, Nepalese and people from the Middle East, the publication has been on the forefront of a number of issues of concern to the community.

As we have said, producing this 300th Issue and presenting it to you has been no different to its 299 predecessors. There is no big celebration, no big drama and as it is our wont, we may not even talk about it among ourselves. All that matters to all of us is that we should strive and pursue excellence at all times, because we are serving all of you.

Magic Number

However, there is something magical about Number 300.

From mathematical and spiritual points of view, it is a combination of the vibrations and attributes of the numbers 3 and 0, with the number 0 appearing twice, amplifying and magnifying its own energies as well as those of the number 3.

Number 3 relates to optimism and enthusiasm, communication and self-expression, inspiration and creativity, expansion and growth, manifesting and manifestation.

It also relates to the Ascended Masters, who help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. They help you to find peace, clarity and love within.

Number 0 brings a message to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects and is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find your answers.

Our Brands

Number 300 of course marks milestones in sports, such as bowling, paintball and cricket.

Indian Newslink today is more than a newspaper. Our brands include the newspaper and four annual occurring- The Indian Newslink Fast Find Business Directory, the Indian Newslink Sir Anand Satyanand Lecture, the Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards and the Indian Newslink Indian Sports Awards.

We take this opportunity to extend our greetings and express our gratitude to our readers, advertisers, correspondents, contributors, sponsors and well-wishers.

As we move towards our 15th Anniversary in November, our next milestone and many others to reach thereafter, we are constantly reminded of five dominant factors – that a newspaper should be unbiased, mature, fearless, competent and responsible.

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