Early treatment can reduce the impact
Philip Kearney
Auckland, January 26, 2018
Latest Ministry of Health figures show that 17% of adults have arthritis, up from 15% in 2011-2012.
Half of adults aged over 75 have the condition, which often leads to chronic pain and is a major cause of disability for older people.
We see the impact of arthritis daily, in the numbers of people looking for advice and support through our services.
The figures show a trend which is only going to place more of a burden on the health system and the economy as the population ages.
Expensive Ailment
Arthritis already costs New Zealand an estimated $3.2 billion every year.
Aside from the older population, almost half the people with arthritis are of working age, so it has a huge effect on families’ livelihoods, not to mention New Zealand’s productivity as a whole.
Part of our work is encouraging employers and ACC to reduce some of the barriers to paid employment for people with arthritis.
Type of Arthritis
Arthritis comes in many forms and can affect people of any age.
The most common is osteoarthritis, which affects 10% of adults (about 386,000), followed by gout (110,000 adults) and rheumatoid arthritis (109,000 adults).
Preventative aspects
Arthritis New Zealand encourages people to stay mobile, reduce weight and eat a healthy diet to reduce the impact of arthritis as they age.
The charity, which relies on community fundraising for most of its income, also advocates for better access to rheumatology services and arthritis medications, accessible packaging, and early treatment of gout.
Arthritis New Zealand aims to improve the life of every person affected by arthritis.
It is a national not-for-profit organisation focused on raising awareness, advocating for those with arthritis and providing advice and support.
For more information, please call 0800-663463; visit Facebook or www.arthritis.org.nz
Philip Kearney is Chief Executive of Arthritis New Zealand based in Auckland.
Data from: New Zealand Health Survey, Annual Data Explorer, December 2017, Ministry of Health.