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Arrests after offenders cause multiple disruptions

Security footage of offenders from the incident (Photo Supplied)

Praneeta Mahajan
Hamilton, September 8, 2023

Three people were arrested in Hamilton early morning of September 7, 2023, for causing damage to properties in different neighbourhoods of Hamilton with the intention of robbing the premises.

How it unfolded

At around 2 am, Police were called to a store on Borman Road, Hamilton after a vehicle was seen being rammed into the building.

The three occupants of the vehicle then attempted to gain entry into the store, causing significant damage to the glass exterior.

After failing to gain entry, the group then fled the scene in a second vehicle.

They then arrived at a store on Braid Road where they caused further damage, and again, failed to gain entry.

After driving away from the second store, they were sighted by Police on Victoria Street and were signalled to stop, however, they failed to do so.

Police then initiated a brief pursuit and deployed road spikes which were successful in bringing it to a stop on Aurora Terrace.

The three offenders then fled the scene on foot, with one of the offenders stealing another vehicle parked nearby.

Another pursuit was engaged by Police in an attempt to stop the vehicle.

Shortly after, the vehicle was located in Fairview Downs and the driver was arrested and taken into custody without further issues.

Prompt action leads to arrest

Following enquiries, the two other offenders were located and arrested a short time later.

Two 18-year-olds and a 16-year-old appeared in Hamilton Youth Court yesterday, September 7, 2023, on several charges including burglary, unlawfully taking a vehicle and failing to stop.

Detective Senior Sergeant Terri Wilson said he is proud of the work of Hamilton Police staff which led to these arrests.

“I want to highlight the outstanding work done by our frontline staff this morning. This was an evolving situation which through the actions of the Police, had a successful outcome. We remain committed to holding these offenders to account and their actions will not be tolerated in our community.”

Praneeta Mahajan is an Indian Newslink reporter based in Hamilton.

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