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Apprenticeship Reboot gets funding boost

National is supporting jobs, higher wages, and helping New Zealanders and families get ahead – things that really matter to us all.

Budget 2014 reflects this, and is about thoughtful, targeted spending to help Kiwis earn a job, or train towards a better future. We will invest up to $20 million to expand National’s Apprenticeship Reboot Scheme by 6000 places to 20,000, as part of the Government’s Business Growth Agenda.

Handsome subsidy

This commitment brings the total funding for the Apprenticeship Reboot Scheme to $69.4 million, and will benefit our communities, the wider economy, and thousands of New Zealanders whose training will lead to higher wages and better living standards.

Under the Reboot, apprentices are given a subsidy of $1000 towards the cost of tools or off-job courses, or $2000 for priority trades.

Employers receive an equal payment.

The reboot was so successful last year that we extended the available places from 10,000 to 14,000 to keep up with demand, and now, we are doing it again.

High quality workplace-based training produces more highly skilled workers, and is critical for building a more competitive and productive economy, which is one of National’s four priorities.

The current extension to the scheme means that double the number of apprentices can get their training costs subsidised since the scheme was first announced – this is fantastic news.

Christchurch jobs

Budget 2014 will also provide $3.5 million of new operating funding to help beneficiaries take up work in Christchurch.

The rebuild is creating thousands of jobs in Christchurch that could be filled by people around New Zealand but who are unable to take up the jobs because of financial constraints.

Up to 1000 beneficiaries will receive a one-off payment of $3000 each if they have an offer of full time work in Canterbury, and are ready and willing to move there.

Helping people into jobs in Canterbury supports National’s priority to rebuild Christchurch.

National remains committed to investing in the potential of our workforce to ensure that more Kiwis will be able to meet the needs of businesses now and in the future.

There’s always more to do, and we will continue to invest in brighter future of Kiwis.

Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi is Member of Parliament on National List. The above article is exclusive to Indian Newslink.

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