Applications for community grants open in Hamilton

Financial support helps communities foster heritage and talent (Photo Supplied)

Praneeta Mahajan

Hamilton, January 24, 2023

The value of diverse communities and connecting all the members of a region through community activities is a value addition that every governing body should take seriously.

Art and cultural projects help to build an intercultural society and a deep understanding and respect for all, while sports and youth programmes emphasise on the need for empowering our young minds.

That is why Hamilton Council has constantly supported activating public spaces and places – to bring all the diverse communities in the city together.

Applications are now open for Hamilton City Council’s Single-Year Community Grants that support small not-for-profit community organisations within the city’s boundary that deliver services, programmes, activities or events benefitting the social, cultural, arts and environmental well-being of communities in Hamilton.

This links with ‘He Pou Manawa Ora – Pillars of Wellbeing,’ which focuses on wellbeing for all Hamiltonians, and our Welcoming Plan to ensure all people coming to live or stay in Hamilton feel welcomed and engaged.

Details of the Grant

The Single-Year Grant is an annual contestable fund of more than $300,000, with each grant award being up to $10,000. The fund is for projects and activities taking place from May to January within the year applied for.

If any community organisation needs a bit of extra funding to keep up the Mahi, all they need is to make sure to get their application in by Tuesday 3 February 2023. The annual fund pool is more than $300,000, with grants capped at $10,000 per application.

The Single-Year Community Grants by Hamilton City Council can help an organisation with operating and admin costs, the cost of community programme development and implementation, community events, cultural festivals and programmes and costs towards equipment and resources.

Previous Grants

In the previous years, Hamilton City Council has allowed a diverse number of organisations to seek the grant, which has translated into Hamilton’s growing projection as an inclusive and diverse community.

The list of previous year’s Grants is a testament to the wide range that was covered under the approved grants. These range from cultural organisations of different countries to sports organisations, from Wellness and health-related organisations to sports and Youth guidance groups, and from Arts and music support groups to Environmental and neighbourhood support organisations.

Further Details

Your community group might be considered a priority if it has an annual total income of less than $500,000 and/or has a higher number of volunteer hours and in-kind donations. The fund supports community events that take place from May 2023 to January 2024.

An information evening is being organised on Thursday 26 January at 5.30pm, held in the Auaha Meeting Room (Ground Floor) at Hamilton Central Library in Garden Place for the benefit of all applicants. No bookings are needed.

Please email for more information.

Praneeta Mahajan is an Indian Newslink correspondent based in Hamilton.

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