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An informed voice in Indian media

I would like to congratulate Radio Tarana on their 16th Anniversary.

This is an important milestone for the Station, and I am pleased to celebrate the occasion with them.

Radio Tarana has been a strong voice in the Indian Media.

The Station is New Zealand’s Number One Hindi Radio station.

They do an excellent job catering to all ages of the Indian community.

I enjoy listening to the mix of new and old music, as well as the news and sport bulletins. Radio Tarana also provides new and emerging artistes a platform to enter the entertainment industry.

This is great for our young musicians.

Radio Tarana has a strong and proud history as an informed voice in the Indian media. They proudly address important issues when they arise.

Tarana does in-depth interviews and challenging debates.

They cover important news stories from around the world.

The diversity of their presenters help to ensure we can stay connected with India, Fiji, Pakistan and many other countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

It is great that Tarana is now broadcasting into Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch as well as across Auckland.

Tarana has been very active in holding successful fundraising events for people in New Zealand and overseas.

I wish Tarana continuous success.

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