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An essential ingredient of democracy

It is informative to look back on the social history of New Zealand over the last 11 years that Indian Newslink has been publishing, as well as to look forward to what the next 11 years may bring.

New Zealand has become a much more diverse, tolerant and open society.

We are slowly moving together toward a new and more interesting identity as New Zealand people.

We are fortunate that this journey is significantly influenced by a population of Kiwis, drawn from one of the most successful and important civilisations to have reconciled and harmonised cultural diversity – India.

The New Zealand Labour Party is a rainbow coalition, and our caucus, including our shadow cabinet in which I proudly serve, represents this ‘New’ New Zealand.

The Fifth Labour-led Government, which championed the pluralism of our nation, came into being at around the same time as Indian Newslink.

It is no coincidence, when reading back issues of the newspaper, to note over the past 11 years the increasing levels of representation of ministers and members of Parliament at Indian community events, accompanied by an increasingly sophisticated analysis of developments in current affairs of particular interest to New Zealanders of Indian origin. It is a measure of the success of that Labour-led Government that today, no mainstream political party can function successfully in New Zealand without acknowledging in concrete ways the rich diversity of our population.

It is also a tribute to Indian Newslink that all parties can expect, and must respond to close journalistic scrutiny of their candidate selections and their policies as they touch on those interests.

A professional, independent media with a keen sense of what is relevant to its readership is vital to a strong democracy.

I know from my own reading, and from feedback from the many readers of Indian Newslink who live in the electorate of Ohariu in Northern Wellington, where I am based, that this newspaper may fairly claim to represent these characteristics.

I wish the newspaper, its Editor Venkat Raman, staff, advertisers and readers, all the best as we mark the newspaper’s birthday.

I look forward to celebrating future milestones with you all.

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