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Amrita Yoga Talk and Practice in New Zealand

Brahmacharini Shobana in Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington
Venkat Raman
Auckland, November 17, 2019

Brahmacharini Shobana (Picture Supplied)

A celebrated practitioner of ‘Amrita Yoga’ will be in New Zealand for a fortnight to present and participate in a series of events in Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington.

Brahmacharini Shobana will talk on various aspects of Yoga during her stay in Auckland from November 21 to November 24, 2019.

Organised by Amma New Zealand, a charitable organisation dedicated to the spread of the love and compassion of Mata Amritanandmayi Devi, who has millions of disciples all over the world, the visit of Shobana will be yet another dimension of community service.

Mata Amritanandmayi Devi (From Facebook)

The Programme

Amma New Zealand President Simi Sethu said that the first of the talks of Shobana will be on ‘Yoga in daily life: A Practical Vedantic Approach,’ on Thursday, November 21, 2019 from 630 pm to 830 pm at Mount Eden Village Centre, 449, Mount Eden Road. There is no entry fee but Koha will be accepted.

‘Mind your Mind through Yoga’ will be the subject of the discourse on Friday, November 22, 2019 at Grey Lynn Library Hall, 474 Great North Road, Grey Lynn from 630 pm to 9 pm. Entry to this event is also free but Koha will be accepted.

Ms Sethu said that the Retreat planned for the weekend (Saturday, November 23, 2019) has been replaced with a ‘Picnic in the Park.’

“Brahmacharini Shobana will participate in the event and ‘Picnic in the Park’ will be held on Saturday, November 23, 2019 at Cornwall Park, Greenlane West, Greenlane from 10 am to 2 pm. The event is free and open to all but we request those interested to register their names on phone 021-2370027 and bring a vegetarian dish with them to share with others,” she said.

Yoga for Youth

A Special Programme called, ‘Yoga with Youth’ will be held on Sunday, November 24, 2019

From 10 am to 1230 pm at Roskill and District Indoor Bowling Centre located at 8 Falkirk Street, Blockhouse Bay. The fee per participant is $10, available at the entrance.


Amrita Yoga Session

This will be followed (at the same venue) by an Amrita Yoga Session and a talk on ‘Yoga of Inner Transformation’ from 3 pm. Entry fee per person is $15.

Christchurch Programme

Shobana will speak on ‘Yoga in Daily Life’ with an Amrita Yoga Session and Q&A on Monday, November 25, 2019 at Saint Martins Community Centre, 122 Wilsons Road, Saint Martins from 6 pm to 830 pm. Participation free per person is $15.

The Programme for Tuesday, November 26, 2019 is being finalised and further information can be obtained form Hugo on 022-6553515.

Wellington Events

Shobana will be in Wellington from November 28 to December 1, 2019 with the first Programme, an Amrita Yoga Session in Parliament Hall on Thursday, November 28 from 530 pm. Entry fee is $15 per person.

A public talk on ‘Yoga in Daily Life: A Vedantic Approach, Meditation, Q&A,’ will be held on Friday, November 29, 2019 at Linden Social Centre, 10 Linden Avenue, Tawa in Wellington from 10 am to 1230 pm. There is no entry fee but Koha will be accepted.

‘Amrita Yoga for Youth’ will be held on Saturday, November 30, 2019 from 10 am to 1230 pm at Tawa Community Centre, 5 Cambridge Street, Tawa from 10 am to 1230 pm. Charges are $10 per person. This will be followed, at 3 pm (at the same venue), by a Talk on Amrita Yoga, with participation fee of $15 per person.

A Day Retreat with Yoga Asana, Pranayama, Meditation and Yoga Nidra, will be held from 9 am to 530 pm at Elsdon Camp, 18 Raiha Street, Porirua on Sunday, December 1, 2019. The charges, including food, are $120 per person.

Further details can be obtained from Wellington based Amma New Zealand Vice-President Dr Shiva Kumar on 021-1733044.

About Brahmacharini Shobana

A PhD candidate in Yoga, Brahmacharini Shobana is an award-winning Yoga practitioner and Teacher. She has dedicated her life as a monastic in Amma’s Ashram and to the pursuit of Authentic Yoga.

She specialises in bridging the gaps between the ancient traditional Eastern practice and the practical, modern needs of Yoga in the West.

Under Amma’s guidance, she has been the Director of ‘Amrita Yoga’ since 2004 and has taught at more than 2000 workshops, classes and retreats to people all over the world. 

Shobana is the only woman in the Indian Government’s 12-Member Committee for Yoga Education, where she is helping to formulate the curriculum for core and elective courses in Indian Universities.

Amrita Yoga and Amma 

Amrita Yoga was born from the divine resolve and unconditional love of the renowned spiritual leader, humanitarian, visionary Satguru Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma). A traditional school of Hatha Yoga upholding Vedic principles and scriptures, the goal is to bring practitioners back to inner and outer balance and harmony. 

Incorporating Amma’s teachings and integrating the four different paths of Yoga, the Programme provides the foundation for physical, mental and spiritual upliftment.

Amrita Yoga focuses on awareness with heart-centred intention, to transcend the physical asana practice and deepen atonement with the inner self and the interconnectedness of all life.

Amrita Yoga is rooted in the ancient Gurukul Yoga tradition and yet is a completely new approach of understanding Yoga practice based on Amma’s core philosophy of ‘Living from the Heart.’

Yoga practice has been a part of Sadhana (Spiritual practices) since the Amritapuri Ashram began. Since the early years, Amma has always viewed hatha yoga as an integral part of our healthy daily life. Initiated in 1987, Yoga classes at the ashram and centres were based on Amma’s message of Living from the Heart.

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