Fate brings twists and turns to everyone’s life in the case of some, disaster strikes plunging families into depths of despair.
“It is often said that time heals all wounds but in reality, it just makes it easier but does not completely heal,” says Tani Gundara, our Model of the Fortnight.
She was referring to the passing of her mother two years ago after succumbing to a rare brain disease that attacked her nervous system, leading to a ‘total body shut down.’
“This was the hardest thing our family had to go through. It has been two years since my mum passed away but I still feel like she will come back any moment,” Tina said.
The young woman is determined to establish a progressive career, succeed in life and fulfill the dreams of her mother.
“She taught me to be strong and face challenges in life. What I am today is because of her. I wish my mother was alive to see me as a better person.”
Born in Chandigarh (India), Tani migrated to New Zealand when she was about six years old. A graduate in BHSc Medical Imaging from Unitec she works as a Radiographer at Auckland Hospital.
Tani is undergoing training in Angiography to advance in her career.
Among her favourite things are cooking, time out with friends and dining out, experimenting exotic cuisines.
She likes to be a globetrotter and fondly remembers her visits to Australia (including Brisbane where her elder sister lives), Canada, India and Singapore. She hopes to go on tour of Europe soon.
“Life is a rollercoaster; there will be highs and lows. Do not let speed bumps bring you down but let them make you stronger,” Tina said.
For more pictures of Tani Gundara, visit www.indiannewslink.co.nz. These pictures appearing in our print and web editions are the intellectual property of Indian Newslink, Bhikhu Bhula. Any reproduction in any form for private, public, commercial or non-commercial purposes is prohibited and any breach would be an offence under the relevant laws in force.
Are you interesting in modelling?
Bhikhu Bhula will be in Auckland on shooting assignments until April 7.
If you are interested in modelling, you may contact him on 021- 0616030 for test shoots and interviews.
Please note that this is not an Indian Newslink assignment. This notice has been published at the request of Bhikhu Photography and hence applications should be made to Bhikhu Bhula directly. Applicants would be bound by terms and conditions that would be set by Bhikhu Photography and/or Bhikhu Bhula and his company.