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Actors take on Samaritan role

In a world crowded with breaking news and constantly changing news agendas, it would not be difficult to forget a recent tragedy but an Auckland Indian theatre company that draws on its heritage is keen to offer its mite.

India’s neighbour Pakistan has endured devastating floods, which swept over and destroyed a large part of the country.

Many of the worst affected were the rural poor.

In the best of theatrical tradition, Prayas is hosting a Flood Relief Season, with all proceeds going directly to the victims of the floods.

The Auckland based theatre group will stage its own successful piece of drama Beyond the Land of Hattamala, which ran to packed houses earlier in the year (Indian Newslink, May 15, 2010) at the Auckland Performing Arts Centre (TAPAC) in Western Springs from November 4 to 6, 2010.

Included in the menu are ‘Nirvaan,’ a Prayas band, presenting talented musicians, singers and dancers from New Zealand in a fascinating mix of classical and modern music from India and Pakistan and a silent auction of art.

Pryas President Amit Ohdedar said that while the deluge that took away the lives of more than 2000 people and affected more than 20 million people is no longer featured in our news columns and channels, its severity can neither be over-emphasised nor forgotten.

“The International Committee of the Red Cross has said that hundreds of thousands of people are still in need of life-saving assistance. For millions of people, the crisis is still far from over. Damage to infrastructure and livelihoods is severe and will have a long-term impact,” he said.

We believe that no single agency or government can successfully meet the enormity of the challenge of bringing relief to the affected areas and people in the short or long term. It has to be a combined effort.

Mr Ohdedar said Prayas chose The International Red Cross to remit the collected funds because of the nature of its work and reach.

“Its work is practical, caring and open and we know where the money is going. It is an effective, truly-impartial humanitarian operation that has no other agenda than helping people,” he said.

India and Pakistan may be rival nations but Prayas is made of people who hope that arts and multi-culture would create a better world.

The people of Pakistan need help and we in Prayas want to do what we can.

We appeal to Indian Newslink readers to support us in this cause.

Monica Mahendru is a banker, actor and dancer based in Auckland. She was our Talent of the Fortnight earlier this year (March 1, 2010).

Photo :

1. Beyond the Land of Hattamala, the Play

2. Nirvaan, the Band

What: Beyond the Land of Hattamala, A play in English

By Whom: Prayas Theatre Group

For: The NZ Red Cross Pakistan Monsoon Floods Appeal

When: Nov 4 (730 pm), Nov 5 (8 pm) Nov 6 (4 pm & 8 pm)

Where: The Auckland Performing Arts Centre

100 Motions Road, Western Springs

Tickets: $20 (Per Person) & $15 (Seniors & Students)


Contact: 0274864300 Email:


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