A tribute to our Leaders, volunteers, achievers and contributors

At the Eighth Annual Indian Newslink Sports, Community, Arts and Culture Awards 2022

Venkat Raman
Auckland, June 30, 2022

The achievements of athletes in various forms of sports, volunteers in community services and success stories of people as writers, poets, film producers and directors, musicians and other cultural ambassadors were recognised and rewarded in Auckland last fortnight.

The Eighth Annual Indian Newslink Sports, Community, Arts and Culture Awards Presentation Ceremony witnessed 46 such achievers honoured at the event held on June 20, 2022, at Mahatma Gandhi Centre. Legal Associates Barristers and Solicitors were the Title Sponsors with other sponsors including Link2 Group, Kripa Financial Solutions, 0800Rachna, Universal Granite and Marbles Limited, Space Designers, Aishwarya Entertainments Limited, Radio Tarana, The Trophy Centre, Humm FM, New Zealand Indian Central Association and Auckland Indian Association.

Our Guests of Honour

Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities Minister Priyanca Radhakrishnan, Australia’s High Commissioner to New Zealand Harinder Sidhu, Auckland Mayor Phil Goff, Police Commissioner Andrew Coster, Labour MPs Vanushi Walters and Dr Anae Neru Leavasa, National MPs Scott Simpson, Simeon Brown and Melissa Lee were among our Guests of Honour.

Junoo Abhishek Sharma and Karthikeyan RC were Masters of Ceremonies of the Programme that included Chenda Melam by Rhythm 345 of Kerala, a Classical Dance recital by the New Zealand Sri Lanka Dance Studio led by Nishi Ranathunga, The Wonder Girls Hiral Pusarla and Kavya Itla, Folk Dances of South Asia by Rhythm Dance Academy and a vivacious Bharata Natyam item by the students of Anuradha’s School of Indian Dances.

Our Achievers

Among the highlights of the Awards were the Sports Elite Awards given to four veterans for their contributions to various sports, determined by the New Zealand Indian Central Association and ten Commemoration Awards given to seven individuals and three institutions. These included the Raman (Ray) Ranchhod, Wenceslaus Anthony, Dr Robert Lateef Khan (Senior), Ravin Lal and Indian Newslink Awards. These were instituted in memory of the community leaders who were celebrated during their lifetime for their contributions to the community.

Teenager Vibha Godha, whose excellence in Soccer has led to her selection to represent New Zealand at the Under 17 World Cup in October. As well as winning in the Sports category for Soccer, she was unanimously chosen to be the Best Sportsperson of the Year.

As Ms Radhakrishnan, Mr Goff and Mr Coster observed, “These Awards will motivate all sportspeople to pursue excellence in their chosen field.”

Photos for Indian Newslink by Narendra Bedekar, Creative Eye Fotographics.

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