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A shoulder to cry on and a smile to lean against

Coping with an alien culture, struggling to establish a career, searching for new relationships and trying to make a mark in an entirely uncharted territory are some of the challenges they confront in their initial years.

Against such a backdrop, every migrant looks for shoulder cry on and a smile to lean against, especially at trying times.

Indian Newslink has not only been that strong pillar of support to the Sub-Continent Diaspora but also a bridge between the culture and heritage back home and the people of Indian origin.

Be it the service of providing the Indian Business Directory to its readers and advertisers, promoting events of cultural importance, assisting community organisations in their activities, this newspaper has been at the forefront.

As the Principal of a fledgling Indian school initially and then as a representative of community, I have found that the team at Indian Newslink has unparalled vision and drive.

Its razor sharp election analysis, grip on the issues facing the Indo-Kiwi community, its original news content and above all its appeal across the age groups of readership, have made it come through successfully the turbulence of the industry in last few years.

The Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards, which began in 2008 is an initiative, which puts the newspaper in a class of its own in media.

The initiative has become an event for the Who’s Who of Indian businesses, attracting the attention of everyone who considers India as significant to their business plans.

The growing popularity of the Awards is evident from the number of businesses vying for honours and the impressive list of sponsors and dignitaries who support this unique venture.

Another landmark event that the publication achieved this year was the Indian Newslink Sir Anand Satyanand Lecture to honour Sir Anand Satyanand, New Zealand’s first Governor-General of Indian origin.

I am sure that the expertise of the people at helm of Indian Newslink will make it reach higher peaks of achievements and put it firmly in the leadership role that it has gained through diligent and unbiased journalism.

Manish Tanna is a teacher, business consultant and community leader. He is a Marketing Coordinator of our Business Awards scheme and Director of

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