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Love, struggle and success make India unique

Defining success without glorifying struggle (INL Image)

Light reading for the weekend

Praneeta Mahajan
Hamilton, July 21, 2023
In India, we find numerous stories, movies, and songs that celebrate the idea of struggling against all odds to achieve success and happiness. But have we ever stopped to ponder if this relentless pursuit of struggle is always beneficial? To explore this further, let us begin by understanding the cultural roots that gave birth to this notion.

India, a land of rich traditions and diverse philosophies, has an ancient heritage that glorifies valour, sacrifice, and resilience. From the tales of great epics like the Mahabharata and Ramayana to the struggles faced by freedom fighters during the independence movement, our history is painted with stories of individuals who faced immense challenges with unwavering determination.

Two sides of a coin

This cultural backdrop has undoubtedly shaped the Indian psyche, instilling values like perseverance, hard work, and grit. However, somewhere along the way, we might have taken this concept to an extreme, inadvertently glorifying the idea of suffering without considering the toll it takes on individuals and society.

Struggling against adversities can indeed lead to personal growth and development, but when struggle is glamorised to the point of overlooking mental health, work-life balance, and overall well-being, it can become problematic.

While it is true that facing challenges can build resilience and character, the romanticisation of constant struggle can create an unhealthy mindset. People may begin to believe that enduring hardships at all costs is the only path to success and happiness. As a result, they might neglect their mental well-being and relationships, leading to burnout and isolation.

The way out of the maze

The question that now arises is how can we find a balance between appreciating the value of perseverance while not glorifying unnecessary suffering, as it does seem to be part of a maze.

It begins with understanding that struggles are a natural part of life, but they should not be sought out or forced upon oneself. Instead of focusing solely on the outcome, we should cherish the journey and the growth it brings. Additionally, it is crucial to prioritise self-care, seek support when needed, and recognise that success and happiness can be achieved without excessive suffering.

our culture teaches us to face challenges head-on, but it is essential to recognise when we need to take a step back and care for ourselves. Balance is key.

we need more stories that portray success achieved through collaboration and emotional well-being rather than constant struggle and suffering.

Redefining virtues

It is time we redefine success and happiness. It should not always be about material gains; true success is when we find joy in what we do without compromising our mental peace.

It is time for India to take its due place on the world stage, not merely as a land of high achievers, but also as the happiness capital of the world, with positive role models who talk about success as a holistic concept, rather than a materialistic one. We are, after all, the land of the sages and philosopher who have given the best in literature, art, culture and music. The world needs a way out of the gloom, and India just might have the answers.

Praneeta Mahajan is an Indian Newslink reporter based in Hamilton.

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