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Yoga as the essence of Art of Living

Venkat Raman – 

What is Yoga

Yoga is a journey as well as the goal. Like a flower bud, human life has the potential to blossom fully. Blossoming of human potential to fullness is yoga. Yoga is a holistic package for happy living. It provides techniques to unite the body, mind and breath, and connect to the inner core of our being – the spiritual aspect of our lives.

There are many paths of yoga as described in the ancient texts. Just as all rivers lead to the ocean, all paths of yoga lead to self-realisation. Though the journey may begin on any single path, but for full blossoming and fulfilment an integrated approach needs is essential.

Essence of Yoga workshop

For the first time in New Zealand, we bring you the true essence of yoga – A beautiful blend of Hatha yoga, Sukshma yoga, Mantra yoga, Gyana yoga and Desktop Yoga carefully packaged for you in a two day yoga workshop.

It is a unique workshop on “Essence of Yoga” – a beautiful combination of disciplined practices, wisdom and fun, leading to blossoming of your full potential.

Event Details

Date:              20th and 21st August

Time:                         9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Venue:           Mahatma Gandhi Centre, New North Road, Mt Eden, Auckland

Fees:               $40

Eligibility:      All Levels (from beginners to advance)

Age:                16+

Contact:         0508 278 635 /

Featuring:     Naturopaths and Ayurvedic Practitioners

Healthy Food

Yoga Accessories / shops and clothing


The Essence (Part 1)

Hatha Yoga:

In Hatha Yoga the emphasis is on practicing Asanas (postures) and Prananyam (breathing techniques). Hatha yoga blends energizing and dynamic postures with relaxing and meditative yoga postures. Combining both types of postures, gives the body maximum benefit. When the energy is in balance, health and vitality is experienced and this constitutes the goal of Hatha Yoga.

Sukshma Yoga:

In Sukhshma yoga the whole body is treated, relaxed and rejuvenated. These set of asanas make one strong and supple and at the same time take out impurities from the body. It also improves memory, willpower and concentration.  Sukshma yoga can be practiced independently at home or workplace to help reenergize the entire system.

Mantra Yoga:

Mantra Yoga is about chanting which impacts the world consciousness. Chanting charges up the atmosphere with positive vibrations. And these vibrations change the mindset from negative to positive; from darkness to light.

Gyana Yoga:

Each and everything in nature can give us knowledge, and our awareness allows us to observe and learn from nature.  Wisdom is applying this know-how into action. In Gyana yoga, the mind is used to inquire into its own nature and to transcend the mind’s identification with its thoughts and ego.

desktop Yoga:

It is not a surprise that sitting at a desk all day, probably staring at the computer screen is not good for your health. Learn especially designed simple yet powerful desktop asanas to help you rejuvenate, de-stress and energise you right at your office desk.

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