July 2019

True Energy equates oneness of all, everything
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True Energy equates oneness of all, everything

Sadhguru, Isha Foundation July 25, 2019 Being energetic means different things to different people. For a school child, being energetic means being able to go

Ponzi scheme operator jailed for six years
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Ponzi scheme operator jailed for six years

Supplied Content Auckland, July 24, 2019 A foreign exchange broker who defrauded his clients of more than $7 million has been sentenced to six years

Odia Community celebrates Rathajatra in Auckland
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Odia Community celebrates Rathajatra in Auckland

Venkat Raman Auckland, July 24, 2019 The small but well-knit Odia community marked the ‘Rathajatra’ Ceremony focusing on families and children on July 20, 2019

New Law looks afresh at Property Relationship
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New Law looks afresh at Property Relationship

Supplied Content Wellington, July 24, 2019 Justice Minister Andrew Little tabled yesterday (Tuesday) the Law Commission’s final Report on its review of the Property (Relationships)

Bainimarama pays tribute to Dixon Seeto
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Bainimarama pays tribute to Dixon Seeto

Venkat Raman Auckland, July 21, 2019 Fijian Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama has paid rich tributes to Dixon Seeto, describing him as a ‘True Fijian

Restraint of Trade prevents unfair competition
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Restraint of Trade prevents unfair competition

  Auckland, July 21, 2019 All franchise agreements contain a Restraint of Trade provision in which the Franchisee is not permitted to be involved in

False tax refund claims send man to prison
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False tax refund claims send man to prison

Supplied Content Wellington, Auckland 21, 2019 A former commercial diver has been sentenced to three years in prison after falsely claiming more than a million

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