October 13, 2011


Westies add spice to event

Waitakere Diwali 2011 held on September 25 at the Trusts Stadium in West Auckland had its spice not only at the Indian food stalls but


Westies add spice to event

Waitakere Diwali 2011 held on September 25 at the Trusts Stadium in West Auckland had its spice not only at the Indian food stalls but


Get a slice of Indian Heritage

New Zealanders will have a rare opportunity of witnessing a spectacle culled from the pages of Indian history early next year. Taj Mahal: A Dance


Get a slice of Indian Heritage

New Zealanders will have a rare opportunity of witnessing a spectacle culled from the pages of Indian history early next year. Taj Mahal: A Dance

The Lamp clears the mind of dark thoughts

For the past several years, I have been involved in various Auckland Diwali festivals performing traditional Kathak dances. At these festivals, we see all the

The Lamp clears the mind of dark thoughts

For the past several years, I have been involved in various Auckland Diwali festivals performing traditional Kathak dances. At these festivals, we see all the


Shed darkness, emit light this Diwali

The Festival of Diwali brings back memories of my childhood days in Kolkata. Diwali was a festival celebrated with sweets, fireworks and fun with family


Shed darkness, emit light this Diwali

The Festival of Diwali brings back memories of my childhood days in Kolkata. Diwali was a festival celebrated with sweets, fireworks and fun with family

Modern Ravana resides in our mind

Diwali, the Festival of Lights is upon us. Millions across the globe make hectic preparations to mark the arrival of one of the most pious

Modern Ravana resides in our mind

Diwali, the Festival of Lights is upon us. Millions across the globe make hectic preparations to mark the arrival of one of the most pious

Rotorua Festival seeks better status for women

The need to recognise the contributions of women in economic and social progress, accord them equal opportunities for growth and development and encourage them to

Rotorua Festival seeks better status for women

The need to recognise the contributions of women in economic and social progress, accord them equal opportunities for growth and development and encourage them to

Pepsi and roulette make Diwali in Delhi

My memories of Diwali in Delhi are as colourful as the celebration. As a student of Delhi University, I celebrated this Festival with gusto and

Pepsi and roulette make Diwali in Delhi

My memories of Diwali in Delhi are as colourful as the celebration. As a student of Delhi University, I celebrated this Festival with gusto and


Ambitious Temple Project gains public support

As published in Indian Newslink from time to time, construction of a Temple for Shirdi Saibaba in Auckland is the most important and most ambitious


Ambitious Temple Project gains public support

As published in Indian Newslink from time to time, construction of a Temple for Shirdi Saibaba in Auckland is the most important and most ambitious

Diwali in Temples: a time for penitence

Notwithstanding the social proclivities of Diwali, the Festival continues to have its religious overtones with successive generations unwilling to break away from the cherished values

Diwali in Temples: a time for penitence

Notwithstanding the social proclivities of Diwali, the Festival continues to have its religious overtones with successive generations unwilling to break away from the cherished values

Some imponderables about body and soul

However, what was the need for Him to create this immense universe of unimaginable complexity? Suppose one says that God was bored by loneliness and

Some imponderables about body and soul

However, what was the need for Him to create this immense universe of unimaginable complexity? Suppose one says that God was bored by loneliness and

The Redeemer in crisis has no parallel

Jaya Hanuman jnana guna sagara, jaya Kapisha tinhu loka ujagara, Ramaduta, atulita baladhama, Anjaniputra, Pawanasuta nama.’ Victory to thee, O Hanuman, thou art the ocean

The Redeemer in crisis has no parallel

Jaya Hanuman jnana guna sagara, jaya Kapisha tinhu loka ujagara, Ramaduta, atulita baladhama, Anjaniputra, Pawanasuta nama.’ Victory to thee, O Hanuman, thou art the ocean


Let a million flowers of love blossom

There are many stories for the genesis of the Festival such as commemorating Lord Krishna’s destruction of demon Narakasura in the Dwapar Yuga or as


Let a million flowers of love blossom

There are many stories for the genesis of the Festival such as commemorating Lord Krishna’s destruction of demon Narakasura in the Dwapar Yuga or as

Tribute to an immortal bard

While the US marked the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington

Tribute to an immortal bard

While the US marked the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington

Indian Newslink

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