Auckland, February 10, 2020
Indian Association Manukau New Zealand (IAMNZ) is thankful to Pushpendra Kulshrestha (Senior Journalist and Public Speaker) and Major Gaurav Arya (Consulting Editor for Strategic Affairs at Republic TV) for addressing (via Skype) the wider community in Auckland on January 19, 2020.
This day commemorates the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from the valley of Kashmir.
Various speakers enlightened the wider community with in-depth analysis of the ground situation in terror-infested Jammu & Kashmir (India).
The symposium was passion filled with patriotic messages about the way forward for all Indians irrespective of their beliefs.
The messages about the corrective measures being taken in India were very well received and will go a long way in lifting India’s image abroad.
Association acknowledgements
Indian Association is aware of the following:
Genocide in Kashmir: On June 10, 1999, National Human Rights Commission Chairman Justice Manepalli Narayana Rao Venkatachaliah
observed, “The Commission is constrained to observe that acts akin to genocide have occurred in respect of the Kashmiri Pandits and in the minds and utterances of some of the militants and terrorists a ‘genocide-type design’ may exist against the Pandits.”
Fundamentalists and Terrorists in Kashmir: The US Committee for Refugees said that ‘fundamentalist terrorists had driven the Pandits out by systematic ethnic cleansing.’
Frank Pallone, a Congressman in the US, had also raised the issue of the community in mid-1990s.
Amnesty International reports had mentioned, “Among the civilian population, Hindus have been frequently targeted by the armed opposition groups in Kashmir.”
The Belgium Association in Solidarity with the People of Jammu and Kashmir has visited the refugee camps of Pandits a number of times and brought out a number of reports giving details about their plight due to the armed conflict.
On February 25, 2019, State Minister Muzaffar Hussain Baig said, “Kashmiri Pandits are victims of Genocide.
On March 23, 2019, Home Secretary Rajiv Guha said that Yasin Malik was the mastermind behind purging of Kashmiri Pandits and is responsible for their genocide.
Now the question is, “Even after acknowledging that the ‘Kashmiri Pandits are victims of genocide’ why is the world silent?
Indian Association demands the reversal of Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits be taken up by the civilised world.