You could do humanity a favour by getting jabbed

Scores of places to go on Super Saturday- October 16, 2021

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Wellington, October 12, 2021

It has been a tough few weeks, and we want to thank everyone for their efforts at Alert Level 3. We have stayed home and stuck to our bubbles to keep each other safe and keep Delta at bay.

The next step is to continue getting as many people as possible vaccinated. More than 58% of people in New Zealand are fully vaccinated and 82% of people have now had at least one dose of the vaccine, which is a fantastic effort. However, to ensure our communities are safe and to make sure we can get back to doing the things we love, we need as many people as possible to get their two shots.

Easy Vaccination Drive

The good news is that this week, it is easier than ever to get your vaccine. This weekend, the Super Saturday event is taking place right around the country and will see vaccination centres, GPs and pharmacies open later hours so that everyone can head along and get their vaccine.

If you have not got around to getting your first shot yet, we would really encourage you to get out and get it done this week, so that you are fully vaccinated in time for summer.

Even if you cannot make it along to Super Saturday, it is really easy to do: you can book online at or by calling the Covid-19 Vaccination Healthline on 0800-282926. Some vaccination centres do not even require a booking; you can simply turn up and get your shot when it suits you. Check out to find somewhere close to you.

Second doses too

People who are waiting for their second dose can take part in Super Saturday too. If it has been more than three weeks since your first dose, you can take advantage of Super Saturday to get fully vaccinated, there is no need to wait the full six weeks until your original appointment. Just make sure that if you do get your second dose this week, you cancel your booking so someone else can take the spot!

More than two million New Zealanders are now fully vaccinated, and if you are one of them, there are still ways in which you can support our vaccination rollout. You chat with family members about getting your vaccine and encourage them to get theirs or offer to book an appointment for someone who is having trouble doing it on their own.

Every extra person who gets vaccinated is another layer of protection for our communities, so your actions will make a difference.

If you are still not sure

Finally, we know that some people might still be a little unsure about getting the vaccine, and that’s OK. It is important to get the right information to help you make the best decision for you and your family.

If you do have questions or want more information before making up your mind, you can find reliable, accurate information, along with advice from medical experts, at www.

You might also like to check in with your GP or health provider with any specific questions you have.

Thanks again for everything you have done to help keep us all safe.

Let us continue the solid effort here and take the opportunity this weekend to boost our vaccination rates.

The above was a Press Release from the Labour Party Ethnic Communities Team

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