Teresa Marinovich
Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) conducts workshops and seminars to newcomers to New Zealand irrespective of their visa status.
Manurewa: ‘Business Workshop for Migrants” (with lunch) on February 20 from 930 am to 215 pm at 7J Hill Road, Auckland. Please call (09) 2665729 Email: manager.manurewa@cab.org.nz. Registration closes 18 February.
Browns Bay: ‘Employment Rights and Human Rights in New Zealand’ (with light lunch) on February 25 from 1030 am to 1230 pm at Albany House, 575 Albany Highway, Auckland. Please call Lesley on (09) 4863139. Email: cab.takapuna@xtra.co.nz
Northcote: ‘Employment Rights and Human Rights in New Zealand’ (with Morning Tea) on February 27 from 10 am to 12 pm at Northcote Senior Citizens Hall, Corner of Ernie Mays Street and College Street, Auckland. Please call Lesley on (09) 4863139. Email: cab.takapuna@xtra.co.nz.
New Lynn: Eight Week Course on ‘Communication and Preparation for the Workplace in New Zealand’(with refreshments) commencing on February 28. The course will be held on Saturdays from 3 pm to 530 pm at Library Building, 3 Memorial Drive, New Lynn. Please call (09) 8277830 or (09) 8274731. Email: cab.newln@xtra.co.nz. Registration closes on February 26.
Dunedin: ‘Consumer Law, Consumer Rights and Banking’ on February 23 (with lunch) from 11 am to 2 pm at the Dunedin Community House, Alexander McMillan Room, 301 Moray Place, Dunedin. Please call (03) 4716166. Email: cab.dunedin@xtra.co.nz. Registration closes February 19.
Teresa Marinovich is Manager, Language Link at the Citizens Advice Bureau CAB), Three Kings, Auckland. CAB is a voluntary organisation that provides free, confidential information and advice to anyone about any query or problem. Trained volunteers at CAB can access information from an extensive range of information held by each Bureau.
Almost every city and town in New Zealand would have a CAB. Please contact 0800-367222 to find out about a Bureau close to your work or residence. Website: www.cab.org.nz