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Witch doctor invokes evil spirit at home

Fiji has a rich crop of witchdoctors and their profession has gained greater impetus with rich and affluent members of the Indo-Fijian diaspora that enlist their services.

I have had first-hand experience with this despicable profession – a profession that trades unashamedly in the exploitation of the simple, gullible and those not so simple or gullible. Exploitation of victims, violation of women and casting spells on enemies of clients are some of the vile practices in which witchdoctors engage.

Recently, a market vendor in Fiji bore the full brunt of the justice system when he was found guilty of defiling one of his clients who had gone to seek his help, seeking treatment for pimples.

‘Summoning Gods’

According to reports, he ‘summoned’ the indigenous spirits of Dakuwaqa and Degei. The ritual requires offering of kava, the traditional nectar of the indigenous Fijians that has social and spiritual significance. According to legend, Degei is the Snake God and Dakuwaqa is the Shark God.

The witchdoctor diagnosed the cause and claimed that she was afflicted with ‘Mohini Churail’, commonly interpreted as a lascivious female spirit.

For deliverance from ‘Mohini Churail,’ she had to pay F$350 and in addition, sleep with him. The victim rejected the sex proposal but it was not enough to restrain the witchdoctor’s libido, as he violated her.

She reported the incident to the Police, who took him to Court, where he was found guilty of the offence and sentenced to 13 years in prison, with eligibility to apply for parole after 11 years.

In the aftermath, he left his wife and children without any backup support and a victim scarred for life. In 13 long years, he will be mentally and physically transformed, with his deeds haunting him. His children will grow without a father, when they need him the most. He may not have his wife and children to receive him when he is released from prison.

There are many of his peers who should join him and the society relieved of this despicable profession.

Flourishing profession

However, despite negative perception, the profession flourishes. With affluent overseas clients at their feet, the fee for the services of witchdoctors has skyrocketed. To exploit the gullibility of their clients, they usually give one of the names of Hindu Gods to the spirits, the medium for their spiritual activity.

It gives their practice a measure of religious endorsement. The large red dot or streaks of vermilion on the forehead provide an aura of sanctity and religiosity to operate and exploit!

There is no doubt that the spirit world is real. Evil spirits lurk in the shadows with a mission to ‘kill, steal and destroy’ their victims. They can enter one’s life through witchcraft or other means.

Once they ‘possess’ a victim, they manipulate his/her life and cause sickness and suffering in various ways that include depressive and suicidal thoughts. Often it leads to mental and physical sickness. Many people have lost their lives and possessions through spiritual activity.

Shared testimony

I would like to share a testimony in the hope that it is of assistance to those who are afflicted with demonic spirits, causing physical sickness and mental despair.

My 24 year-old nephew was caught in this swirl and committed suicide in 1991.

In his case, despair and despondency culminated in terminal depression. He committed suicide in our home in front of our daughter, who was then 15 years old. The fear and shock of it gravely affected her.

A year later, she began to manifest with evil spirit and when under its spell, she spoke in the voice of my nephew. We then realised that it was the spirit that had taken the life of our nephew.

Subsequently, my daughter began to show extreme signs of anxiety, despair and depression. This is when we entered the world of the witchdoctors in Fiji.

It was a journey from Raki Raki to Sigatoka. Four trips to Fiji took us to several witchdoctors and it cost us lot of money. It ended with one of the witchdoctors coming over to perform rituals of exorcism in our home. Getting visa for him was a marathon battle in itself.

Expensive rituals

He stayed with us for a month and after performing expansive rituals, returned to Fiji with gratitude-laden fortune, assuring us that we had nothing to worry.

Contrary was the case! Within two days, the condition of my daughter reverted and deteriorated. We spoke to the witchdoctor who told us not to worry, as he was not going to sleep that night and would recite the mantras and activate the spirit of Hanuman (potent monkey-God) to destroy any lingering spirit that may have escaped. We explained this to our daughter but her naivety gave us a fleeting opportunity for laughter when she asked if Hanuman had the visa to come to New Zealand!

The following morning, there was no change and another booking was made to Fiji the same evening.

We did not even know where we were going. We had already lost a lot of money. It did not bring any relief to us – only prolonged suffering, chaos and misery.

We thought we would lose our daughter, as she looked frail and emaciated. At one stage she became crippled from her hip down and was on crutches.

Healing Prayer

However, before we could depart to Fiji, a Christian Pastor rang us and told us that he had heard about the suffering of our daughter and offered to pray for her. We did not know about Christianity or the healing and deliverance prayers that they ritually offered. We gave him and his team a chance. They came and prayed and there was immediate sign of relief, which gave rise to our faith and trust in Christian prayers. With constant prayers subsequently, our daughter was miraculously healed and liberated.

If it was not for the timely intervention of the Pastor, we may have lost our daughter. Besides, it did not cost us anything and Christian churches today provide the most authentic services in deliverance of people from sickness and suffering, caused by demonic spirits. However, it requires faith and perseverance.

Using the medium of witchdoctors was the worst experience of my life. I hope my testimony would assist those going through a rough passage in life.

My sincere advice is to avoid the witchdoctors of Fiji like plague, as they represent the ugly side of humanity.

Many local churches would be happy to assist at no cost.

Rajendra Prasad is our regular contributor. He has narrated the horrific event in his life, which he wished to share with readers in the wake of the rising menace of witchdoctors in Fiji and other parts of the world.

Additional Note: According to the Fiji Sun, the self-proclaimed witch doctor was named, ‘Bijendra,’ now serving 13-year jail term in Fiji. This offender was not connected with the incident that occurred in the life of Rajendra Prasad.

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