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Wisdom to solve worldly problems

Wisdom to solve- Mata Amritanandamayi.jpgMundane problems of the world including those related to work, family and human relationships can be solved with proper understanding and goodwill, says an ascetic.

Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri will deliver two lectures in as many days in Auckland early next month.

The first of these will be held at the Jubilee Hall of the Jubilee Building (43 Parnell Road, Parnell) at 7 pm. His lecture on the following day (October 2) would be held in Hillsborough Room, Fickling Convention Centre (546 Mt Albert Road, Three Kings) at 7 pm.

A banker turned ascetic, Swami Puri carries the message of love and piety of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi, affectionately known as ‘Amma’ (‘Mother’) to millions of people around the world.

She is also known to ‘hug’ people to relieve them of their mental pain and physical suffering.

“Amma’s meditation technique helps people find fulfilment in life. It is unique in offering an integration of gentle yoga exercise with an effective and easy to practice meditation technique, lasting no more than 20 minutes,” he told Indian Newslink during his earlier visit to Auckland.

With her charming smile, humility and genuine concern for public good, ‘Amma’ has endeared herself to millions of people around the world, starting from her native ‘Parayakadavu,’ a village in the Quilon district in the South Indian state of Kerala, where she was born on September 27, 1953 and named ‘Sudhamani.’

Wisdom to solve- Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri.jpgEven as a child, she displayed a distinct compassion towards the poor, the needy and the downtrodden and wanted to do her best to alleviate their pain and suffering.

She was also known for her famous hug that cured people of stress, illnesses and suffering and was affectionately called, ‘The Hugging Mother.”

Swami Puri will also perform ‘Villakku Pooja’ for peace and prosperity to all human beings at the lectures.

Chandra Kurup of Mata Amritanandamyi Satsang Group Inc said those interested in participating in the Pooja should register their names with $11 fee.

Further details can be obtained from contact Mangala Iyer (09) 9624101 or Sangeeta Kalra at (09) 6245192.

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