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Welcome to Indian Newslink April 1, 2021 Digital Edition

Venkat Raman
Auckland, April 1, 2021

Dear Reader

We have great pleasure in presenting our Digital Edition dated April 1, 2021 as you prepare for the long, Easter Weekend.

We have dedicated two pages of this issue for the Sikh Sports Complex, a sprawling facility within the Sir Kalgidhar Sahib Gurdwara of the Supreme Sikh Society of New Zealand in the South Auckland suburb of Takanini.

Inspiring Leadership

In many ways, this multi-million dollar, 5.6 acre complex speaks of the inspiring leadership of the Sikh community and the community welfare that the Supreme Sikh Society of New Zealand has been promoting for the past at least three decades.

The inaugural ceremony was attended by Ministers Andrew Little (Health), Michael Wood (Transport, Workplace Relations & Safety), Priyanca Radhakrishnan (Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities), Members of Parliament Jenny Salesa, Arena Williams, Dr Gaurav Sharma, Dr Neru Leavasa and Ibrahim Omer.

We have provided extensive coverage to this Complex, which can host many other games, including Hockey. Our facilities include Basketball, Netball and Volleyball Courts, four Running Tracks, Two Cricket Pitches, Kabaddi grounds and much more.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern with Supreme Sikh Society Spokesperson Daljit Singh after inaugurating the Sports Complex

Another gratifying moment

As the only Indian newspaper that reported the progress of Sri Kalgidhar Sahib Gurdwara from its beginnings, it was moment for gratification for us.

We were with officials and relentless workers including Lali Ranvir Singh, Daljit Singh, Rajinder Singh and many others through various milestones over the past 22 years when they were bringing up the Guru Nanak Dev Ji Gurdwara in Otahuhu, Auckland.

The Sri Kalgidhar Sahib Gurdwara in Takanini is a prime example of dedication and hard work by these leaders and the Sikh community in South Auckland. We have stood with Lali, Daljit, Rajinder and others as negotiations began for the purchase of land and then through the ground-breaking ceremony in 2003 and the inaugural ceremony in 2005, both in the presence of the then Prime Minister Helen Clark, the sculpting work done by artists flown specially from Punjab, India, the anniversaries and various festivals and more.

Now, with the opening of the Sports Complex, the Sikh Community in New Zealand stands tall, offering its amenities and facilities to anyone who is keen to use them, subject of course to the norms and principles of Sri Kalgidhar Sahib.

Brightline Test and more

The April 1, 2021 Edition also carries an analysis of the government’s recent announcement about the extension of the Brightline Test and attendant regulations, the impact of Covid-19 on travel insurance and other current matters.

We also have the usual features including current affairs, education, business, opinion, community and entertainment.

Please read and share with your friends.

With Easter Greetings from the Indian Newslink Team.

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