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Upper Northland moves to Alert Level 3; please promote Vaccination

Wellington, November 2, 2021

This update shares key information about the government’s response to Covid-19.

It is intended to provide consistent information across central government, local government, CDEM and key partners.

Key things to note

There are 49 people currently in hospitals across New Zealand with Covid-19, of whom 48 are in the Auckland region, one in Waikato. Three are in high dependency or intensive care units.

There are 126 new community cases; 107 in Auckland, 18 in the Waikato and one in Northland. There are three new cases at the border.

Upper parts of Northland to move to Alert Level 3 at 11.59 pm tonight

Following two unlinked community cases reported in Taipa in the far north, the region will move to Alert Level 3 from 11:59 tonight.

Today’s case is a household contact of a case reported yesterday (November 1, 2021), both cases are unlinked to the other cases in Northland at this stage and brings the total number in the region to 14, with three people now recovered.

Extensive case interviews and contact tracing over the past 24 to 48 hours haven’t been able to find a link with the other cases in Northland.

Boundary line drawn

A boundary will run through the centre of the Hokianga Harbour to the Mangamuka Junction on SH 1 to the Kaeo River Bridge on SH 10 and East Bay to prevent any potential spread.

Below this boundary line the rest of Northland will stay at Alert Level 2.

Vaccination rates for Northland are currently at 79% for first dose and 65% second dose. These rates are still not high enough to be confident that communities could be sufficiently protected in the case of a wider outbreak.

Cabinet will review the Alert Level 3 settings in Northland on Monday, November 8, 2021. 

Advice for people in Upper Northland

Contact tracing and public health interviews are underway to identify any locations of interest and close contacts, and Northlanders are urged to check the Ministry of Health website for updates on locations of interest.

People must stay home, monitor for symptoms and get tested if feeling unwell. Stay in your bubble, wear a face covering and use the NZ COVID Tracer App to record any movements.

If you have had your first shot already, you can get your second shot after three weeks.

If you have any symptoms of Covid-19, even if these are mild, get tested as soon as possible.

Guidance for travel in Northland

People can travel in and out of the Northland Alert Level 3 area for limited permitted reasons. This includes for work in permitted business and services.

People can also cross into the Northland Alert Level 3 area from an Alert Level 2 area to work in any business or service which is open in the Alert Level 3 area and travel home again.

However, people can only cross from the Northland Alert Level 3 area to work in an Alert Level 2 area for work in permitted businesses and services.

If you are travelling in and out of the Northland Alert Level 3 area you are not required to provide evidence of a recent test.

A formal business travel document is not required however we recommend people source a letter from their employer confirming place of work and need to travel

Step Two for Auckland, parts of Waikato

Auckland and parts of the Waikato will move to Alert Level 3, Step 2

Parts of Waikato currently in Alert Level 3, Step 1 will move to Alert Level 3, Step 2 from 11:59pm tonight, Tuesday 2 November.

It is intended that Auckland will move to Alert Level 3, Step 2 from 11:59 pm, Tuesday, November 9,2021. This will be reviewed on Monday, November 8, 2021, subject to health advice.

Under Alert Level 3, Step 2, retail and public facilities can reopen with physical distancing and mask wearing.

Gyms, recreation centres and pools remain closed as wearing a face covering isn’t always practical at these places.

For outdoor gatherings, the upper limit on numbers will increase to 25 people.

Face coverings and physical distancing remain vital measures for stopping the spread of the virus, along with scanning in and keeping up good handwashing and hygiene measures.

Progress in vaccination rates

High vaccination rates will allow New Zealand to transition to the new Covid-19 Protection Framework.

Auckland needs 90% of eligible people in each of its three DHBs to be fully vaccinated before transitioning. As of Monday 1 November, Waitemata DHB: 81% fully vaccinated; Auckland DHB: 85% fully vaccinated; Counties Manukau DHB: 78% fully vaccinated;

National Figures: 76% of eligible people in New Zealand are fully vaccinated; 53% of the total eligible Maori population are fully vaccinated; 69% of the total eligible Pacific population are fully vaccinated.

For more information, please visit the Ministry of Health website.
Source: Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet

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