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True happiness transcends the material world

Past President of the Hamilton based Radha Krishna Temple Abhay Charan Das was on a pilgrimage to India last month.

He was accompanied by Srinivasa Das (Hamilton) and Tribhanga Sundara Das (Auckland).

Abhay Charan marked his fifth pilgrimage to India with visits to Holy places in Mayapur (West Bengal) and Vrindavan in Mathura District of Uttar Pradesh.

He did not fail to notice the changing lifestyle patterns in India, with the rapidly increasing materialism and consumerism, which in many ways separated people from the traditional Hindu practises of Bhakti and Spiritual development.

His life and works are interesting. Born and raised in a Roman Catholic Family, he was named Alan Hodgson. He was later drawn into the Krishna Consciousness Movement. His Guru, Lokanath Swami Maharaj re-christened him as Abhay Charan Das.

Divine Call

What inspired a devout Christian to become an ardent Hindu?

In the beginning, he tried to find answers to a number of questions in life, the most significant of which was, “Is it really possible that God would send some of us to suffer in hell for simply failing to love Him?”

“I questioned how an all-loving God could totally reject His own child and send him to burn in hell forever. What possible egregious sinful act could result in such a harsh punishment?”

According to Abhay Charan, Hinduism provided the answer, allowing people to develop love for God over many lifetimes. We can atone for our sins even though this may take more than one lifetime, he said.

The principle of ‘Life after Death’ also attracted him along with that of ‘Reincarnation’ and ‘Karma.’

“God is very merciful and is always prepared to forgive His children for their transgressions. No one is ever denied the chance to attain love of God. That principle alone attracted me towards Hinduism,” he said.

The Omnipresent Krishna

Abhay Charan Das joined the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in Hamilton in 1984 and has since been involved in all its activities.

He said Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality, from who all other Avatars emanated, conforming to the ‘Sanatana Dharma’ or ‘Eternal Law.’

“Hinduism cannot be confined to India alone. It preaches universal brotherhood and sisterhood with the concept of ‘Vasudeva Kudumbakam’ (The World is a Family). Hinduism should be promoted as a Universal Religion,” he said.

Abhay Charan has read the scriptures and Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, considered Holy by Hindus.

He spreads the message of love through ISKON, which can impact positively on some of the violent gangs in New Zealand.

He said there was no happiness in the materialistic world.

“The only way to attain true eternal happiness is to seek love of God. This can be achieved by chanting of His names in the Mahamantra, “Harinama Sankirtan.”’

Balaji Chandramohan is Editor, Asia for World Security Network and Correspondent for World News Forecast. Email: The picture here shows Abhay Charan Das with Srinivasa Das in Vrindavan, India.

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