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Transparency drives home honesty and integrity

Buying a car is like buying a house – one wrong move, you could be subject to discomfort, embarrassment and even high costs.

In the case of the former, you would put a lot more people into inconvenience, especially if your car decides not to cooperate in the midst of heavy traffic on a busy motorway.

Your car is a friend in need, taking you to people and places, which is perhaps why some people even ‘talk’ to them.

In a country whose people largely depend on themselves to look after their needs, including transportation, dealers in vehicles occupy a place of importance.

More so, as New Zealanders feel the inadequacy of the public transport system.

However, like homes, a majority of people decide to own used cars.

Such consumer behaviour is more predominant among the members of the Indian community, for, the choice of a brand new vehicle is for the opulent.

Most of us belong to the class that is satisfied with good, usable, used cars.

But step into a wrong place, you would be driving yourself into trouble.

Best attributes

Transparency, honesty and integrity are the attributes of many car dealers, among of the foremost of which is The Car Clearance Centre, located at 41, Saleyards Road in the South Auckland suburb of Otahuhu.

Far beyond the concept of ‘You get what you pay for,’ this retailer offers added value for every car sold.

That has been so since its establishment in 1994.

As the Company celebrates its 18th anniversary, Owner and Chief Executive Jack Dube is gratified that he, his team comprising a Business Manager, sales executives, administrative and finance staff, mechanics and maintenance personnel have lived up to a simple concept: ‘Do not sell a car that you would not buy’ and ‘Do not compel any person to buy a car that they may not want.’

“For most of us, buying a car is an emotional experience. We trust that it would take them, their families and friends to almost anywhere in New Zealand. They should be comfortable behind the wheels. We are just instruments in driving their desire,” Mr Dube said.

That would perhaps summarise the moods of people but there are many among us who often face the dilemma of choosing between two or more vehicles parked at the showroom of The Car Clearance Centre.

Haunting questions

“Would a 2003 model of Toyota be more durable than a later model of another manufacturer? Would the cost of maintaining a model that came out of the manufacturer’s assembly 15 years ago be lower than the latest model of a British, German or American car?”

These questions often haunt buyers but according to Mr Dube, the easiest way of helping such customers is to be honest and upfront.

“The most important aspect of our business is to spend quality time with any person who walks into our showroom. He or she may be just contemplating purchase of a car or even checking and comparing prices with a car seen somewhere else or may be merely taking the pleasure of ‘seeing so many cars.’

Repeat customers

“Our team spends time with each person and assessing their needs and affordability, recommends the best solution. At The Car Clearance Centre, we do not try to ‘dispose off’ any model that is hard to sell. We always remember that a customer who drives on the road must not only be safe but also be happy. More importantly, he or she must return on another occasion,” Mr Dube said.

There is little doubt that most of them, if not all, come back for another car, trade the existing vehicle or simply to have a chat with the friendly staff.

We estimate that since its establishment, the company would have sold more than 10,000 cars, of which many would have gone to ‘repeat customers.’ We are aware of many Indian Newslink readers visiting the showroom for purchasing the second, third or even fourth car for a member of the family or a friend.

Comprehensive services

But Mr Dube said numbers were not as important as people genuinely experiencing comfort and care.

“I believe that at The Car Clearance Centre, we do not just sell cars. We are engaged with people, providing them as comprehensive a service as possible so that they could be confident that we really care for them. Our engagement with the customer does not end with a sale; it in fact begins at this stage. From arranging finance for purchase (subject to certain conditions) to offering maintenance and repair services and Warrant of Fitness, we try to do the best we can to meet every requirement,” he said.

There is more to cars at The Car Clearance Centre – there are people who care.

That in essence is a distinguishing difference.

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