Welcome to Indian Newslink June 1, 2021 Digital Edition
Venkat Raman
Auckland, June 1, 2021
When New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told her Australian counterpart Scott Morrison on the grounds of the Government House in Sydney on February 28, 2020 that ‘Australia should not export its problems (meaning criminals) to New Zealand,’ the Australian media went ballistic. They accused her of interfering Australia’s domestic affairs and criticised her for her comments.
Rebuke over China
Now, rebuking her for going soft on China, the ’60 Minutes’ programme in Australia went as far to say that ‘New Zealand has sold its soul to China’ and that it is becoming New Xi-land.
If the Australian media has thought that Mr Morrison will play ball with them, they were disappointed. Refused to be drawn into the controversy, he actually defended his counterpart Ms Ardern and New Zealand.
“Some countries are trying to undermine our relationship,” he said, without making any reference to his country’s media and added, “Australia and New Zealand are working together in many ways and on several international issues, including for example the World Health Organisation and in global trade.”
Five Eyes Relationship strong
Mr Morrison said that contrary to what has been portrayed in some sections of the Australian media, New Zealand’s conciliatory approach towards China does not affect its relationship with the ‘Five Eyes,’ a grouping that includes New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, United States of America and Canada.
Our lead story in our latest (June 1, 2021) Digital Edition is about this issue. We will run other stories on our website and social media.
There are of course our usual departments, including current affairs, politics, education, business, opinion, community, entertainment and sports.
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With Greetings from the Indian Newslink Team.
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