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Te Ati Awa joins forces with WelTec again to offer trade skills

Weltec Tutor Richard Carter (Centre) with students Tipalelupe Tafaovale and Elyssa Norman (Photo Supplied)

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Wellington, August 10, 2022

In response to a growing need from the community for immunisations, parenting support, financial advice, food relief and other Hauora services, Te Āti Awa has created more space at their main complex in Waiwhetu, Lower Hutt, seeking the help of 22 students studying construction trades skills at Petone-based Institute of Technology, WelTec.

WelTec and Te Āti Awa already work closely together to support students to gain qualifications and transition into work, and this opportunity meant WelTec trades students could put their study into practice, experience work on a ‘real life’ construction project and help the community.

Chief Executive Wirangi Luke said that Te Ati Awa has always had a good partnership with WelTec and that they share the Tamaiti Whangai learner support model with them for Akonga Maori at the Petone campus.

“The connection is getting stronger and stronger as we work together to support our young people. We had a similar arrangement with WelTec in 2012 when students were enrolled to help us with our existing buildings as part of their hands-on trades learning. We have those graduates returning with their families and reflect with pride how they helped their iwi with these bricks and mortar. Not only are projects like these a way for students to learn on the job but they are also a way to link people back to their iwi and communities,” he said.

The key attributes

WelTec tutors Henry Ma’alo and Richard Carter who have been guiding students onsite in Waiwhetu. They said that the benefit of getting the students onto a live site is that they learn how to work and manage themselves in a real job situation.

“Demeanour, timeliness, communication, appropriate attire and professionalism become important. Students know that they are in the public eye and there are expectations from the iwi about the finished product, and how the process is run. Each week, one of the students has the opportunity to be the team leader, and it has been amazing to watch them grow into this responsibility and work more cohesively as a group. The learning is broad and exponential. They are excited to come to work every day, they know this building is important to the community and they feel proud to be part of that,” Mr Ma’alo said.

Mr Carter said that tutors do practical work with the students on the site, and Te Āti Awa provided the group with laptops and a nice sunny room on the second floor to work through the theory components.

“This means students can do all of their learning in the same place. Once a week, a member of the learning support team at WelTec will visit the Petone campus to assist students and make sure that they are keeping up with their studies,” he said.

Tipalelupe Tafaovale, who finished school at Rongotai College last year, sees the benefit.

“This is a great project because it benefits us, the students, as well as the community. It shows that we are capable and practical, not just students sitting at desks. It helps us to see that what we are learning can be used to do cool things,” he said.

A budding entrepreneur

Elyssa Norman, who is also a part of the student cohort on the build and finished year 13 at St Mary’s last year, is excited about the experience and sees the WelTec programme as a gateway into the industry.

“After this, I plan to complete an apprenticeship and then I would like to start my own company. Working on this project with Te Āti Awa is so special because the community are here with us every step of the way. When we started Te Āti Awa officially welcomed us onto the land and we shared kai,” she said.

Students working on this project are studying at WelTec as part of the Maori and Pasifika Trades Training scholarship, which is a government-funded scholarship to cover full fees and course-related costs. They will complete their New Zealand Certificate in Construction Trade Skills (Level 3) Carpentry programme at the end of the year, with most moving onto their Level 4 Certificate.

Join Whitireia and WelTec Open Days:
Wellington Open Day: Friday, August 26, 2022
Porirua  Open Day: Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Petone Open Day: Wednesday, August 17, 2022
To register please visit

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