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Taipei, January 9, 2021
Republic of China (Taiwan) and New Zealand have signed an Agreement to mutually recognise their Authorised Economic Operators (AEOs).
Larry Tseng, Director General, Department of East Asian and Pacific Affairs at Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Pact will enhance Customs Cooperation and Supply Chain Safety between the two countries.
Facilitating bilateral trade
“Following this Agreement, exporters awarded AEO status in Taiwan and New Zealand can enjoy trade facilitation for their goods in each other’s territory. We believe that the Agreement will help traders in both countries,” he said during a media briefing.
Mr Tseng said that the Agreement, the eighth such for Taiwan, was signed on December 14 and December 18, 2020 by the Heads of the Representative Offices of Trade in Taipei and Wellington. Other countries that have a similar Arrangement with Taiwan are the United States of America, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, India and Israel.
About Authorised Economic Operators
An AEO is defined by the World Customs Organization (WCO) as a party involved in the international movement of goods approved by a national Customs administration as complying with the WCO or equivalent Supply Chain Security standards.
“Taiwan Customs implemented its AEO Programme in December 2009 and has to date certified 789 AEOs. These include 377 General AEOs and 412 Security and Safety AEOs, accounting for 48% of Taiwan’s total trade,” a media statement said.
On a related note, a Finance Ministry official in Taipei said that the volume of trade between Taiwan and New Zealand had reached US$1.3 billion in 2019.
Source: China News Agency