Wellington City Council

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Council finds sticky solution to food waste

Venu Menon Wellington, May 3,2024 The Wellington City Council is cracking down on food waste. The council has launched a campaign to drive home the

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Let’s Get Wellington Moving grinds to a halt

RNZ, Wellington, December 17, 2023 Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM) will be dissolved, with Ministers and local government announcing today (December 17) that they had

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Making Wellington City free from sexual violence

Venu Menon Wellington, December 15,2023 Sexual violence has been on the rise in Wellington central city, prompting the Wellington City Council (WCC) to put a

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Zealandia leads the way in saving native species

Venu Menon Wellington, November 14,2023 Zealandia in Wellington is the world’s first fully-fenced urban ecosanctuary located just minutes from the city centre. The sanctuary draws

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Kiwi calls echo in the hills of Wellington

Venu Menon Wellington, November 3,2023 The wild kiwi population of Wellington is set to return from extinction. The hillsides in the south and west of

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Wellington rocks to lights and sounds of Diwali

Venu Menon Wellington, October 31, 2023 Wellingtonians across communities thronged the city’s iconic waterfront to celebrate the Festival of Lights on October 29. The TSB

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