Jason Heale

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The real implications of the demise of Newshub

The recent announcement that Newshub will shut down its news broadcasting operations elicits understandable disappointment. Three hundred jobs were lost, many of them recognisable faces

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Character deficiency tells upon a nation

Jason Heale Auckland, January 30, 2024 With another shoplifting charge just laid against former Green MP Golriz Ghahraman, with a subsequent summons to appear in

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Is New Zealand becoming a retribution country?

Jason Heale Auckland, May 28, 2022 A toxic thread has been running through our news lately. Have you noticed? A Chief Executive deliberately makes disparaging

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Road to Zero can succeed through education

Jason Heale Auckland, March 30, 2022 $15,000 per second. $900,000 for 1 minute of footage. That is the cost of “Safe Limits” an advertisement from

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Children should be at school, not home

Jason Heale Auckland, January 24, 2022 You are likely to have heard the term “snowflake.” I am not referring to the small crystals of frozen

Indian Newslink

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