Dr Gaurav Sharma

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National takes back Hamilton West in by-election

Tama Potaka becomes MP, Labour loses and Dr Gaurav Sharma trounced Venkat Raman Auckland, December 10, 2022 The National Party regained the Hamilton West seat

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Is New Zealand Parliament an unsafe workplace?

From our Leader, September 15, 2022 Digital Edition Venkat Raman Auckland, September 16, 2022 Over the past two weeks, we have been at the receiving

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The highs and lows of rebel MP Dr Gaurav Sharma

Praneeta Mahajan Kochhar Hamilton, Auckland 31, 2022 The charge that rebel MP Dr Gaurav Sharma rarely responded to the email messages from Indian Newslink corroborates

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Labour Party Caucus expels rebel MP Gaurav Sharma

Venkat Raman Auckland, August 23, 2022 After a week of unsubstantiated accusations and continuous press statements, Labour’s rebel Member of Parliament Dr Gaurav Sharma finally

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Gaurav Sharma must prepare for a lonely future

Peter Wilson Wellington, August 20, 2022 As Labour MP Gaurav Sharma faces almost certain expulsion and a lonely future as an independent in Parliament, he

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Turbulent times for National and Labour

Jane Patterson Wellington, August 13, 2022 What a difference less than a week can make! The National Party lurched from a successful annual conference and

Indian Newslink

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