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A thin thread of Coalition in Wellington

Our Leader in Indian Newslink Digital Edition dated December 1, 2023 Venkat Raman Auckland, December 2, 2023 Strange bedfellows have made it again to the

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A sound mandate takes Luxon to the battlefield

Our Leader in October 15, 2023 Digital Edition Venkat Raman Auckland, October 16, 2023 In handing over the country to Christopher Luxon and his National

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Labour-National spat gives voters the last laugh

The last National Party campaign leaflet received in my letterbox this week urged me to “Please party vote National.” Unlike the bold promise of “A

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Parties woo voters with generous immigration offers

Amnesty for overstayers, visas for parents and grandparents Venkat Raman Auckland, September 25, 2023 Four political parties announced generous immigration policies to accommodate hitherto shunned

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From Ballot Boxes to Power Boxes

Dr Malini Yugendran Auckland, March 14, 2023 In the 2020 New Zealand general election, there was a high voter turnout of 82%, demonstrating the significance

Indian Newslink

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