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Soul seeks elevation in the quiet hills of Bombay

Ajahn Chandako – Soul seeks-Abbot Ajahn Chandako

Tucked into the hills of Bombay is a refuge of serenity called Vimutti Buddhist Monastery.

Created with the intention of generating peace and wisdom in the world, Vimutti is situated in the midst of 150 acres of native forest, streams, ponds and rolling hills.

The monastery offers seclusion and suitable conditions for those who wish to deepen their meditation, as well as the opportunity for people of all nationalities to join together in harmony and work towards a noble common goal.

People are welcome to stay as guests for a period of time to experience the rare and precious opportunity to take part in the daily life of a monastery.

Alleviating suffering

With traditional approach to monastic training, beautiful natural environment and compassionate atmosphere, Vimutti is a powerful support for the alleviation of human suffering.

The monks lead a simple and frugal life dedicated to developing peace of mind.

Their life is not easy. They are celibate, eat one meal a day (served at 11am), have no personal money, sleep on thin mattresses and meditate in small huts.

We try to be good examples of how to live a balanced and happy lifestyle. We are dedicated to bringing benefit into the world and creating an island of sane living. The teachings of the Buddha are some of the most profound principles on how to liberate your mind from feelings of pain through purifying consciousness. Meditation is proven to reduce stress and improve health.

Ultimate Freedom

The name ‘Vimutti’ was chosen for this monastery because it represents the highest and most noble potential for a human being.

This term in the Pali language means liberation or ultimate freedom, liberated from the mental defilements that lead to pain and frustration in the endless cycles of life and death.

Our teacher, Venerable Ajahn Chah, used this word to refer to the ultimate level of reality.

In addition to the monks, the monastery usually has five to ten guests.

People are welcome to join our lifestyle for a few days or many months. It is an international community with a harmonious mix of people from Western and Asian cultures.

Meditational Retreats

Vimutti Monastery holds meditation retreats as well as monthly working bees and mindfulness workshops.

We survive solely on a system of mutual generosity. We don’t charge for anything and rely entirely on donations. All of our workshops, retreats, accommodation, food, books and teachings are given freely.

We want to be a blessing to the area and try to be good neighbours.

After our neighbour’s wife passed away, we brought him food every day until he too became ill. And we work hard to look after the land. When we first purchased this property, it was covered in every form of invasive and thorny weed. Through years of hard work and planting over 10,000 trees, the monastery is now stunningly beautiful.

But I think I am the only monk in the world who wears Red Band gumboots. The monastery is currently building a Buddhist monument for enshrining relics of the Buddha, called a stupa.

We have one of the best collections of Buddha relics outside of Asia. Therefore, this will be a proper and beautiful home for them. You see Relics throughout Asian countries like Thailand, Sri Lanka or Tibet. The spiritual energy of a stupa brings great benefit and protection to everyone in the entire vicinity.

Secure & Spiritual

Vimutti Buddhist Monastery is intended to be a secure and peaceful place where people of all nationalities can come together in harmony and mutual respect to hear and practice the sublime path of the Buddha.

It is a place for people who are looking for more serenity and clarity in their lives, a respite from the worries and pressures of the world, a place where people care for each other.

Within the tranquil surroundings of Vimutti, you are invited to contemplate the highest priorities in your life.

True freedom and lasting happiness are to be found through the purification of the heart, the cultivation and perfection of the Buddha’s Noble Eight-fold Path. By encouraging the study, practice and realisation of these teachings, Vimutti can truly be a liberating refuge on the way to Awakening.

Ajahn Chandako is the abbot of Vimutti Buddhist Monastery, located at 750 Paparata Road, Bombay, near Auckland. He was first to live on the land when he arrived in New Zealand in 2004 at the invitation of the Auckland Theravada Buddhist Association. Born and raised in the USA, he spent 16 years training in monasteries in Thailand. Each day he is available after the midday meal to discuss the Dhamma (Dharma).

Anyone is welcome to join in the daily communal meal, arriving at 1030 am. For more information about events or visiting, please see their website,


A view of the 150-acres of Vimutti Buddhist Monastery

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