Some notes as New Zealanders await the Traffic Lights System

Effective 11.59 pm on Thursday, December 2, 2021

Key things to note
Mandatory vaccination update for New Zealand Defence Force and NZ Police.
My Vaccine Pass additional channels for access including pharmacies.
Vaccine bookings update, Astra Zeneca available to book from today.
Remember to check out the resources listed at the bottom of this email.
Update on Covid-19 Protection Framework

Sector guidance
The sector guidance of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) to support business operation under the COVID-19 Protection Framework is now available online.
Information for transport operators is available at
As detailed sector guidance is finalised, agencies and organisations will be updating their websites and providing information and advice to their stakeholders.

Key updates on the ‘Red’ setting:

There will no longer be a cap of 100 people who can visit a public facility at Red at any one time (this includes zoos, museums, public swimming pools and libraries). Instead, the capacity limit will be based on the number of people who can visit based on 1m physical distancing. 

Gathering limits at Red, including outdoor and indoor gatherings, have been increased from 10 people to 25 people where My Vaccine Passes are not used. The limit where Vaccine Passes are used is still 100 people.

Gatherings include those held at home, weddings, funerals and tangihanga, marae, social sports and places of worship.

Further information about the Covid-19 Protection Framework is available on the Unite Against COVID-19 website.  

Mandatory vaccination update

Workplace vaccination requirements extended to cover sworn members, recruits and authorised officers of the New Zealand Police, and all New Zealand Defence Force staff.

First doses of the vaccine for workers in these organisations are required by January 17, 2022, and second doses by March 1, 2022.

My Vaccine Pass update  

From today, there is an option to receive your pass through the post and people will also be able to go to pharmacies to request their pass, an option for people that prefer to deal with someone kanohi ki te kanohi.

Those 400 pharmacies that are currently providing Covid-19 vaccinations that will also be able to assist people with their vaccine pass can be found on the Healthpoint website.

You can request a My Vaccine Pass here.

Vaccine bookings update

Booster does are available free for anyone in New Zealand ages 18 years or older, who has completed their two-dose course more than six months ago. From today, bookings are also available for the AstraZeneca vaccine.

More information can be found here.

Vaccination progress

Vaccination progress by DHB as of Friday, November 26, 2021: 85% of eligible people in New Zealand are fully vaccinated; 81% of total eligible Māori population have received at least 1 dose; 90% of the total eligible Pacific population have received at least 1 dose

Further breakdowns are available on the Ministry of Health website.

Source: Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Wellington

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