Winston Peters
The old parties persisting with mass immigration between 53,000 and 73,000 is utter madness.
The old parties’ plans for housing and infrastructure do not even cater for the people who will climb off the planes at Mangere on an annual basis.
They are not even building houses and infrastructure for mass immigration above 50,000, let alone catering for the existing needs of the New Zealand population already here.
Optimism and dishonesty
Sooner or later, sanity has got to prevail but any parties promising to have a policy on housing, health, education and infrastructure without seriously carving back the inflated demand of mass immigration is just being dishonest with the New Zealand people.
When will they tell New Zealanders how they will cope with incoming demand for infrastructure and housing whilst they deal with the tens of thousands of homeless already in New Zealand?
For Auckland alone, it means in excess of 40,000 more cars on the motorway every year.
The reason for this unprecedented degree of optimism combined with dishonesty is that these other parties should first admit that their stance on defending mass immigration has been so bad for New Zealand.
Fraud destroys education image
More than a third of decisions in May this year concerning Philippines students applying to study in New Zealand were uncovered as fraudulent.
Of 720 decisions Immigration New Zealand made in Manila, a total of 224 were found to have fraudulent documentation.
Immigration Minister Michael Woodhouse paints this as a positive of Immigration New Zealand doing a great job investigating the problem.
Philippines to China and India
But this figure will only be the tip of the iceberg; the corruption and fraud begins in the Philippines and elsewhere, and then continues in New Zealand with students being exploited and ripped off as they try to get residency here.
Other information that New Zealand First obtained from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment reveals that in March this year, three offices in China identified 73 cases of fraudulent documentation.
Also, between May 1, 2016, and May 19, 2017, a total of 261 Indian nationals were deported from New Zealand.
These are only the cases that have been identified.
Mr Woodhouse says that the Labour Inspectorate does a great job investigating here in New Zealand but he does not say that there are only the pitiful number of 54 officers for the entire country and that a record 226,000 work visas were issued to people from overseas in the past year.
Thousands of them are students who are being exploited but are too afraid to come forward for fear of losing their visas and having to leave the country.
Winston Peters is elected Member of Parliament from Northland and Leader of New Zealand First Party.