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Quality of integrity in journalism can’t be strained

Wenceslaus Anthony

What does integrity in journalism mean?

Is it reporting the truth, or does such reporting take into account social, national and moral responsibility? Is truth always expressed or can it be implied as well?

How far does the freedom of speech and expression extend? Can transcend the legitimate barriers of decency and public good?

Can integrity be insensitive to the times and need of the day?

The Messengers

Since the beginning of society there has been some sort of news messengers. This may be primarily that people want and need to know about what is going on in their communities and in the society at large.

Nothing much has changed even now. Journalism and news continue to be an important aspect of the human society.

I congratulate Indian Newslink for fulfilling the needs of the community regularly for the last 16 years in New Zealand in general and Auckland in particular every fortnight.

I am sure that under the leadership of its Editor Venkat Raman and his team it will grow from strength to strength and will function with greater vigour.

Mirroring views

I am reminded of the quotes of the well-known American Journalist Walter Leland Cronkite. In one of the quotes he had said that – As journalists, “Our job is only to hold up the mirror – to tell and show the public what has happened”.

This summarises integrity. A mirror only reflects the true picture without flattery, prejudices or distortion.

It may seem very difficult to have that integrity – i.e. to reproduce the news without personal bias of the journalist.

For journalists it is the cornerstone and most essential to gather NEWS (which means gathering information from North, East, West, South) which are credible and newsworthy with a purpose.

Fair account

It is therefore the responsibility of every journalist to seek the truth and provide a fair account of the issues and happenings. Such reporting and responsibility gives the newspaper the power and the influence and thus enjoys greater readership.

In seeking the truth, I am reminded of another quote of Walter Leland Cronkite, who said,” In seeking truth you have to get both sides of a story.”

Journalists have a duty to report news from every angle possible. The readers will make their own judgement call.

Seeking truth

In order to be deemed as a journalist of integrity, one must firmly believe and uphold the core values of Truth and Transparency.

One should never forget that Accuracy is the foundation stone on which every news is built. As far as possible, journalists must identify sources which give the sources’ reliability.

Any individual can express their opinion or make judgment but a journalist should strive to find facts which makes him or her stand apart.

Journalists are humans and will have their own prejudices and opinion on issues or events. However, integrity in journalism demands verifying facts and the information and be as objective as possible.

Objective Reporting

What does this Objectivity mean?

It is being just, factual and transparent.

Journalist have to be forthright about what they are reporting, what they know and later accept what they did not know.

Humility is key to journalism. Humility means that the journalist is open-minded enough to recognize other’s opinions and be willing to accept new information.

According to Walter Dean, Training Director of the ‘Committee of Concerned Journalist,’ humility means keeping an open mind not only about what they hear but also about their own ability to understand what it means.

Journalists should never make assumptions. They should avoid arrogance about their knowledge and practice the virtue of humility.

Gregory Favre, a longtime editor in Sacramento and Chicago said that the role of journalist is ‘very simple.’

“Do not print one iota beyond what you know.”

I hope that the media practices the virtue of integrity both in print and electronic versions and not promote sensational news.

Hearty congratulations once again to Indian Newslink on its 16th Anniversary.

Wenceslaus Anthony is Chairman and Managing Director of WAML Group with businesses in New Zealand, Australia, India, Sri Lanka and the Middle East. He is a life-long friend of Indian Newslink and its columnist.

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