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People in Business

Teamwork is cool

People in Business-Sameer Handa.jpgIt is often said that opportunities present themselves to people who have the ability to recognise and husband them towards the common benefit of a community, society or nation and that those who groan and grunt will remain in the backyard of their troubles.

The corporate world is replete with success stories of the former, each inspiring and motivating aspirants to emulate their formula. In the New Zealand context, captains of industry from the Indian community have been endearing and inimitable, constantly exploring opportunities to expand and lift their corporate profile.

Among them is Sameer Handa, Chief Executive Officer of Patton Limited, an important player in the local and overseas markets. The strides taken by the Company to be a harbinger in the business forms the basis of another story in this section and the life and career of Mr Handa would be a source of inspiration for many.

A man of precision, he has a simple and direct approach to business and people. The way he articulates his points of view, ideals and vision could well form the core of any business plan. “Challenges motivate people to bring out the best in them and success will not betray those who persevere and persist in their endeavours,” he said.

Those are the qualities that were instrumental in his own career advancement, augmented by the graduate mechanical degree (BE) that he obtained from the Delhi College of Engineering. India had not yet torn down its economic wall and opened its doors to foreign direct investment but little did Mr Handa know that in less than 30 years he would establish the presence of a corporate in his home country.

Launching his career in 1995 at Escorts Limited, an icon of the Indian industry, he moved to Blue Star Limited, another blue chip. The burgeoning oil rich Sultanate of Oman beckoned him with a career offer. Two years later, bitten by the management bug, he landed in Australia to obtain a postgraduate degree (MBA) from the University of Sydney. The Southern wave took him to Fiji, where he joined the Punjas Group of Companies as the Group Manufacturing Manager based in Lautoka.

“Fiji was a rewarding experience and in many ways it was a turning point in my life and career,” Mr Handa said.

Winds of change began to blow again, bringing him to Patton Refrigeration (as it was known then) as its Sales Manager. Determination, devotion and diligence have been the hallmarks of institutional and individual success and today the company’s wide range of products are among the hottest in the domestic and international markets.

With his busy schedule that involves almost all facets of the company’s operations, including expansion across the Tasman, Thailand and India, Mr Handa has had little time to sit back and recapitulate those younger and care-free days. He has no regrets, for he is an executive who cast his vision towards the future.

“I have immense faith in the growing generations. They should have appropriate opportunities to grow and hone their talents,” he said.

It was therefore natural for him to choose the ‘Best Young Entrepreneur of the Year’ category of the Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards 2010.


Phone (09) 5736667 Email:

Dream Homes are hot

Members of the Indian community who return home after a melodious musical concert would praise the man who played magic with the ancient Indian percussion instrument of Tabla and say his prowess in the art is inimitable.

People in Business Vivek Anturkar 1.jpgBut few would be aware that the man who has been instrumental in the success of many Bollywood and Classical music shows pursues a highly creative profession of architecture.

Vivek Anturkar believes that everyone has the right to live in a home that is designed as per his or her taste, style, convenience and of course budget.

“Over the years, I have met many people who say that their desire is to build a home or at least make modifications to the existing homes but fear the procedures and costs involved. They should be aware that it is possible to do so, provided of course the existing structure and the current rules and regulations are in compliance,” he said.

Armed with a Diploma in Architectural Draughting in Mumbai, he has been employed in the industry for the past 18 years. His passion to design houses catering to the needs of property owners led him to establish his own firm called, ‘Space Designers Limited,’ seven years ago.

“It is easy to apply a template or transpose an existing design but the challenge is to create a home that meets with the dream of a client. The resultant satisfaction is immeasurable,” he said.

Almost all homeowners have their specific requirements for a property that they could call their home, which Mr Anturkar said was a specialty in the profession.

“While I try to incorporate all their suggestions in my concept of design, I do not hesitate to point out the issues involved, including elegance and safety, which cannot be compromised,” he said.

Profit of course is a major motivator but Mr Anturkar said it should not come at the cost of principles and propriety.

“I like to avoid wastage of space so that homeowners get better value for their money and enjoy living in a good home. I do not hesitate to suggest ways and means of saving space and money,” he said.

Mr Anturkar’s expertise extends beyond just designing homes. His close working relationship with the important players in the industry helps customers receive advice on purchasing independent sites or sections, obtaining necessary approvals and construction.

Phone: (09) 5772171 Email:

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