Chip Dawson
Auckland, September 12, 2021
Our South Asian communities have continued to pull together in these troubled times as a beacon to all communities throughout New Zealand.
We are honoured to see the courage and dedication even in difficult times.
Striving Communities
New Zealand is transitioning from winter to spring and the entire country is pulling together to ensure that we are safe and ready to grow. We are adapting to the ‘new normal’ with face coverings and PPE, social distance, and recording where we go.
Silently, in the background our South Asian communities continue to get on with the business at hand; forging new companies, growing their local markets using remote tools to keep the domestic economy firing, and setting the example for the whole country.
While there are delays because of lockdown times, we will continue to celebrate the successes of the South Asian Communities with the celebration of the 13th Indian Newslink Business Awards 2021 with a Gala Dinner on November 29, 2021 at Mahatma Gandhi Centre, located at 145 New North Road, Eden Terrace, Auckland Central.
Please enter the Awards with the new closing date of September 30, 2021 at 6 pm.
Auckland, the Engine Room
We have weathered lockdown after lockdown in Auckland. As the ‘Engine room’ of the economy, we are setting up to be the model used around the globe of the people that continue to pull together in times of tragedy and disappointment.
We live in changing times and if I have learned anything in the past 18 months since our first lockdown, it is to be flexible and open to change. The government is working very hard to keep us safe and protected against this unprecedented pandemic. And as we know, it keeps changing just when we believe we have it under control.
The South Asian communities are leading in the world and working together to create a better future for our children.
Let us make this a wonderful celebration of our community.
Kai Kaha, be safe and be strong.
About The Awards Programme
Our Business Awards Programme is open to all eligible companies owned, managed or franchised by people of Indian, Fiji-Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan and Nepali origin. As most of you will be aware, we launched our Awards Programme for this year on April 23, 2021. Entries to 18 categories (including 13 company and five individual categories) are open and entries in the prescribed entry forms should reach
iba2021chipdawson@xtra.co.nz by 6 pm on Thursday, September 30, 2021.
Please do not post, fax, courier or send the forms to anyone else in any other format.
Please visit www.indiannewslink.co.nz to download the forms.
Nomination Process: Direct by Entrants; Nominations for Individual Categories (14 to 18) by companies and individuals. Nominations by corporates, banks and financial institutions and chartered accountants for companies and individuals with the information prescribed in the entry forms available on the Awards website (www.indiannewslink.co.nz).
You can seek the support of anyone known to you in filling the forms.
Professional assistance from the following persons, independent of Indian Newslink and the Panel of Judges is available to entrants, who should negotiate terms and fees directly.
Contact Details:
Georgia Saxon, The Awards Shop, Hawkes Bay; Mobile: 021-715479; Email:
georgia@awardshop.co.nz; Website: www.awardshop.co.nz
Manish Tanna, Vmindurbiz Services, Auckland; Mobile: 021-822772
Email: Manish.tanna@hotmail.com
Chip Dawson is the Chairman of the Independent Panel of Judges of the 13th Annual Indian Newslink Business Awards. Email: iba2021chipdawson@xtra.co.nz