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Non-Stop Elevator to quality life

Non-stop Elevator-Deepakbhai Desai.jpgA majority of manmade problems including strife, racial and social discrimination, religious fanaticism and jealousy and prejudice would be solved if men and women realise their inner self and seek true peace and happiness.

“Self-Realisation is the key to open the heart towards uplift of life and its standard,” says Pujya Deepakbhai Desai, a renowned master and teacher of ‘Akram Path.’

‘Akram Path’ does not impose restrictions on people to seek liberation, enabling them to carry on their normal activities but lead a life of contentment and happiness.

“The way to achieve true happiness is through self-realisation or the inner-self. Those travelling this ‘Elevator path’ are not required to renounce the materialistic world including their family and career. They can follow their daily routine and still achieve liberation. ‘Akram Path’ does not necessitate any ritual or penance,” Deepakbhai said.

He demonstrated the fact that moving along the ‘Akram Path’ did not entail a total shift from worldly pursuits. He continued his scholastic life, obtained a graduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, and later established his own consultancy practice in the discipline.

His expertise in the profession helped many textile mills in India to employ solutions to promote productivity and profitability.

Deepakbhai will be in Auckland next week on the invitation of a group of dedicated men to lead a series of nightly lectures from September 30 to October 3.

The programme, called ‘Satsang,’ will be held at the Dominion Road School, Quest Terrace, Off Akarana Avenue in Mt Roskill.

The Gnani Purush

Born and raised in a large family of eight children in Morbi (Rajkot District) Gujarat, Deepakbhai is said to have had a simple and calm disposition even as a child. Unlike children of his age, he was distant from the materialistic world and a meeting with Ambalal Patel, renowned as Gnani Purush (The Enlightened) and Dada Bhagwan and Dadashri in the late 1960s was a turning point in his life.

Inspired by his teachings and the “amazing, practical and scientific path to Liberation,” Deepakbhai believed that even ordinary people can achieve Self-Realisation, following simple practices in life.

He learnt that Self-Knowledge was the key to achieving the objective, and that the State of Liberation need not necessarily be at the expense of one’s family or professional life.

This concept has had its worldwide appeal and today thousands of men and women, irrespective of their religious beliefs, attend these Self-Realisation Seminars and promote them among their relatives, friends and colleagues.

The Akram Path

His proclivity towards spiritualism became stronger over the years and the knowledge that he was able to share with others made him a master, with a number of eager followers. Among them was his own father, who told his children during the last hours of his life, “He is indeed my Guru. Deepak is doing the proper work and all of you must support him in achieving his goal.”

While Dadashri had an indelible impact on Deepakbhai’s early life, the influence of his successor Pujya Niruben Amin (Niruma) has also been substantial.

As well as spreading the message of Dadashri, Deepakbhai assisted Niruma in writing Gnanvani, “The words of Real Knowledge and The Awakened One.” His involvement included editing, publishing and distributing books, arranging Satsang programmes all over the world and helping people in their efforts to seek Self-Realisation.

What: Self-Realisation Seminars

By Whom: Pujya Deepakbhai Desai

Organised by: Disciples Dada Bhagwan

When: September 30 to October 3, 2010 at 630 pm

Where: Dominion Road School, Quest Terrace

Off Akarana Avenue, Mt Roskill

Contact: Veeral Sheth on (09) 6294483

Vijay Raghavan on (09) 8292530

Romesh Shah on (09) 8208406

Photo : Deepakbhai Desai

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