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Nominations open for INL Sports, Community, Arts and Culture Awards

Venkat Raman
Auckland, March 15, 2024

Yet another happy news from Indian Newslink: The Launch of the Tenth Annual Indian Newslink Sports, Community, Arts and Culture 2024 today- March 15, 2024.

The prescribed Nomination Form (a single form for all categories) can be downloaded from our website ( or here.

Kindly email the completed forms on or before Wednesday, May 1, 2024.

Nominations received after this date will considered for evaluation in 2025.

The Awards Ceremony

About 75 Awards will be presented to achievers of Indian, Fiji Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Maori, Pacifica and European origin at the Awards Ceremony scheduled to be held on Monday, June 17, 2024, at Swaminarayan Complex, 1/7 Wilmay Avenue, Papatoetoe.

Tickets, priced at $82.80 per person inclusive of dinner and tables seating ten persons at $828.00 (inclusive of GST) are available now. Please contact

Anyone can enter or nominate themselves for any of the categories of the Awards provided that they are residents of New Zealand as permanent residents, citizens, on work visas (including seasons work visas), international student visas and other long-term visas. Visitors and tourists are not eligible. Nominations can be made in the categories specified below.

Simplified Nomination Form

We have a simplified entry form, downloaded from our website, which can be used for nominating an individual or an institution under any category.

If you are nominating a person or an organisation, please fill in the appropriate section of the form, and complete all the required fields including that of the person or organisation nominating and the person or organisation being nominated. Please also write about the person being nominated and reasons for recommending that person for an Award (100 words).

Sports Awards:  Enter or Nominate in any popular outdoor or indoor sport, Best Sportsman and Best Sportswoman of the Year. The Judges will decide if any of the individual category winners qualifies for the Best Sportsperson of the Year Award. (Winners of individual categories will be automatically entered)

The Elite Sports Awards

As in the past, a few sports achievers and stars of yesteryears will be honoured with Awards as a mark of our respect. Bhikhu Bhana, a former President of the New Zealand Central Association (NZICA), who initiated these Elite Awards is in communication with potential recipients for 2023.

In an earlier article, he said that sports are a part of the fabric of New Zealand life. NZICA is the main Sponsor of the Sports segment of these Awards.

The achievements of New Zealanders in many Sports including Rugby, Cricket, Yachting, Rowing and Squash are a matter of pride not only to the community but also to the country. New Zealand punches above its weight in the worldwide area. Cricket is like a religion in India, as evidenced in most matches. In Hockey, India used to win Gold Medals at the Olympic Games, as if by right.

Community Awards: Individuals,  Licenced Counsellors (especially in the Family Harm segment), Registered Associations, Registered Charitable Organisations, Registered Places of Worship, Registered Societies, Religious Services (Organisations and Individuals), Social Workers, Volunteers, and Others (Acceptable to Judges).

Arts Awards: Graphic Artists, Architects, Architectural Designers, Cartoonists and others; Photographers, Painters and all other Creative People of Non-Performing Arts.

Culture Awards: Choreographers, Producers, Directors, Composers, Conductors, Dancers (Classical and Contemporary), Musicians (Vocalists and Instrumentalists), and all other artists of Performing Arts.

For Conditions of Entry, Rules and Regulations and other information, please visit our website:; or call Venkat Raman, Editor, Indian Newslink: Phones: (09) 5336377; 021-836528; Email:

Holistic Approach

Indian Newslink is planning a holistic approach acknowledging Sportspersons of the Past, the Present and the Future. What may not be well known is the fact that the first Indian to represent New Zealand was in 1959, sixty years ago. Since then, more than 50 persons have represented New Zealand in various sporting capacities.

Sponsorship Opportunity

We invite commercial organisations, associations and others with a passion for Sports, Community, Arts and Culture to avail of the sponsorship opportunities and enhance their image in the market. The Indian, Fijian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan and Nepali communities are among the most significant segments of the economy and Our Awards programmes accrue considerable benefits to sponsoring organisations.

Further details can be obtained from on (09) 5336377; Mobile: 021-836528


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