Venkat Raman
Auckland, October 22, 2021
Traffic System comes into force with 90% Vaccination as the move forward
(Infographics from Newshub)
Regular Resurgence Payment to businesses, freedom to open at all Alert Level subject to stringent health regulations and additional benefits to low income families are among the components of ‘Covid-19 Protection Framework’ announced by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in Wellington today (October 22, 2021).
While payments will commence on November 12, 2021 on a fortnightly basis ($3000 plus $800 per Full Time Employee calculated on a weekly basis), a range of other measures will also be in place for opening of the hospitality industry and gatherings at events.
Please read our follow-up story titled, ‘Regular and higher Resurgence Payments to help businesses from November 12,’ in this Section.
The Protection Network
The key to the opening will be the vaccination rate reaching 90%, the responsibility for which will be the District Health Boards (DHBs).
Ms Ardern and her cabinet colleagues Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Grant Robertson, Covid-Response Minister Chris Hipkins and Social Development and Employment Minister Carmel Sepuloni announced initiatives that come under their respective portfolios.
The Prime Minister called it the ‘Covid-19 Protection Framework,’ akin to the Traffic Light system with Green light indicating the maximum freedom possible under Covid-19 conditions.
A Vaccination Certificate, currently in its final stage, will be central to the new framework.
Cafes, Gyms, Hair-dressers and a host of other service providers will be obliged to serve only producing their Vaccination Certificate.
“If you want to be guaranteed that no matter the setting that we are in, that you can go to bars, restaurants and close-proximity businesses like a hairdresser, then you will need to be vaccinated. Vaccination Certificates will allow businesses to be open and operate at any level,” she said.
Vaccination is the key
Under the Traffic Lights system, areas, especially those with lower vaccination rates and lower-income communities, will face localised lockdown measures.
The red setting will allow hospitality to open with Vaccine Certificates, but gathering limits and physical distancing, masks and other public health measures will be used.
Auckland has been under lockdown since August 18, 2021. But the City will move into red as soon as the three DHBs report 90% Vaccination Rates, rather than wait for the rest of the country. At current rates, Auckland should move towards greater freedom before Christmas, Ms Ardern said.
“This is within Auckland’s grasp and we will be throwing every resource we can to support them. At orange, gathering limits can lift. Places that choose not to use Vaccination Certificates will either be closed or have public health measures in place. Green is when there are some Covid-19 cases in the community but at low levels. Fully vaccinated people can enjoy all events and hospitality and gatherings by showing a Vaccine Certificate,” she said.
The Cabinet will review the situation on November 29, 2021 and decide on changes if any required. South Auckland will be moved out of the current lockdown before the rest of the country once the DHBs there report 90% Vaccination Rate, Ms Ardern said.

Unvaccinated will be at a disadvantage
She warned that unvaccinated people could be at a disadvantage, that community cases may continue to rise and tougher measures could be in place.
“We will not take this step until we are at 90% Vaccination. We will also have higher levels of protection that limit the impact of Covid. Details will be progressively added to the system as time goes on. The country will move all at the same time to Orange when all DHBs around the country reach the 90% target,” she said.
Ms Ardern that the country cannot achieve the ‘Elimination Strategy’ and blamed it on the Delta Strain, which is complex and tricky.
“Our long-standing strategy (of elimination) has been challenged but we have a new tool. That is the Vaccine. The Vaccine we are using in New Zealand is safe and effective. It also helps protect everyone. The more people who are vaccinated, the harder it is for Covid to spread through communities quickly,” she said.
“Protection means that we won’t just treat Covid like a seasonal illness, we will protect people from it with vaccination, management, and a response that focuses on minimising the health impacts,” Ms Ardern said.