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Muthamil Sangam members offered potluck and life membership

Venkat Raman
Auckland, July 21, 2022

Members of the Muthtamil Sangam Auckland who remit annual membership will be eligible for a draw with the winner gaining Life Membership of the Association.

Muthtamil Sangam Secretary Kathiravan Sam said that the draw will be held on Saturday, July 23, 2022, at the ‘Potluck Dinner’ at Wesley Community Centre located at 740 Sandringham Road Extension in Auckland City.

The event will include a Health and Wellness Workshop, he said.

“There will be talks on Midlife Mental Health, Diabetes Control, Blood Pressure Management and Cardiovascular Health.’  There will be an Open Karaoke for all, lucky spot prizes and entertainment. We request members to bring along a plate to share. Among the highlights of the evening will be a lucky draw, with the winning member of the Sangam gaining Life Membership, which will include their family,” he said.

About Muthtamil Sangam

Muthtamil Sangam of Auckland entered its 20th year in 2020 and Covid-19 restrictions constrained the Association to hold back many of its programmes.

However, the office-bearers and members continued to be active on the social platform and exchange a number of educative and entertainment information.

Members of the Sangam, who are proud of their heritage and language, have fostered a new sense and spirit of unity during the past four weeks of lockdown.

Impressive leadership

The Sangam was formed at a time when the Tamil population was on the threshold of demographic change, with a larger number of people of Tamil Nadu origin originating from their home state and other parts of the world, Tamilians from Southeast Asia, Indian ocean States and others. Their lack of interest in any kind of politics then, allowed the Sangam to grow and as the only organisation representing Tamils (other than those from Sri Lanka, for whom there is another, older Association exists in the City), Muthtamil Sangam enjoyed exclusive membership until about five years ago.

The Sangam has had the benefit of the leadership of a cross-section of the community, who have served – and continue to serve- in various offices.

Significant activities

Since its inception, Muthtamil Sangam has been striving to preserve, protect and promote Tamil language, culture and people, with ‘Being happy together’ as the motto. These include Pongal Vizha, Kodai Vizha, Chithirai Vizha, other festivals, picnics, competitions, and participation in the programmes organised by others. As a socially responsible organisation, the Sangam conducts blood donation camps every year and participates in Environmental cleaning activities organised by the Auckland Regional Parks and Reserves.

Weekly Tamil classes

The Association conducts weekly Tamil classes for children. It also has a weekly radio service broadcasting on Planet FM 104.6 on Saturdays from 7.50 am to 8.25 am.

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