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Musical Night promises unique entertainment

Musical Night promises- Durga Reddy -  students.jpgWhen the Auckland based Sur Sangam Entertainment stages its annual Family Musical Night at Skipton Hall (Mangere) on September 11, it will be an extraordinary event.

A multiracial team of young and old artistes will take to the stage rendering the latest Bollywood songs and the famous hits of the yesteryears, Ghazals and light music.

The unorthodox and unique style of teaching of Durga Reddy will come to the fore at the musical evening. Those in the know will identify him as a Tabla Maestro of the Gileloa Musical Club in Nadi, Fiji.

Even well trained and well-grounded artistes of classical music from India find his teaching unusual and practical. He enables his students to get hands-on experience and become independent players without having to slog for years.

Durga does not follow a strict curriculum but satisfies the needs of his students as a bird does to its baby – being able to fly solo as soon as it gains strength.

He would not make a Tan Sen or Zakir Hussain out of his students, but they learn in a short time the practical art of music, with the proficiency to perform in public.

Durga’s students are able to perform on their own, based on their individual aptitude, not tied down to years of learning.

His way of teaching enhances discipline in young people who stay at home. His music classes have been promoting stronger family bond that keeps people away from crime.

He currently has 10 proficient table-players and the number keeps growing.

Durga has initiated and improvised Western beats from the basics of the Tabla, evincing the interest of the modern generation.

Born and raised in the Dass musical family of Fiji, Durga has been associated with music and Indian culture for over four decades. He moved with his family to Sydney, Australia in 1995, taught music, revived Ghazals and trained numerous Tabla players.

His former students now run the Music School that he established across the Tasman.

He shifted to Auckland in 2005 and began teaching music to enthusiasts here. Today, he runs classes from four locations in Auckland, namely, Mangere, Otara, Sandringham and Te Atatu South.

Durga aims to promote Indian music, which will be evident at the forthcoming show.

What: Tabla and Harmonium Performance

By Whom: Students of Sur Sangam Musical School

Where: Skipton Hall, 53 Skipton Street, Mangere

When: Saturday September 11, 2010 at 7 pm

Tickets: $10 from Sparkle Jewellers (09) 2772077

Contact: Durga Reddy on (09) 8365663 or 021-18671300

Photo : Durga Reddy with students

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