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Model of the Fortnight

If you have a sibling just a year or two younger, but measures up to your size, you can be sure that your wardrobe full of clothes, footwear, grooming stuff, everything in fact goes missing for a while but returned, ready for dry cleaning or replacement.

You are left with just one item – your toothbrush.

Trouble is what little sisters are made of; you love to hate them. But the ‘little devils’ are darlings,” says Jamie Johns, our Model of the Fortnight.

The AUT University student, pursuing her Bachelor degree in Sport & Recreation is not only protective of her junior sibling but also her family.

“My parents mean everything to me. They have always attended my sporting events and those ‘all boring’ training sessions, just to encourage and motivate me. Together, we make a great family,” she said.

Jamie has been involved in promoting a host of products and services, apart from hosting boxing matches and events at nightclubs.

Indoor and outdoor sports have been a passion and a competent swimmer, Jamie has been a recipient of several national titles and holds at least a dozen records, including a national first.

Netball is yet another activity that captivates her.

Jamie says her goal in life is to complete her education with high marks, travel overseas for sports and employment. She is also keen to make it into a franchise team and the Silver Ferns.

The family is of her heart and hence she is keen to bring up her own.

“I would marry someone who thinks outside the box, goes out of the way to surprise me. I am a family person and hence could not date anyone if the members of my family did not like them,” she said.

Jamie apparently does everyone proud with her clean habits and penchant for hard work and perfection.

She attributes her innate qualities to her upbringing and the values that her parents instilled in her.

Jamie values work and the reward that she receives for her efforts; years ago, it was $2 per week for household work. That taught her to not only save but also admire those who strive to make a living.

-Venkat Raman

Photography: Anas Khan

Make-up and Hair: Mary Dawson

Editor’s Note:

If you wish to sponsor our Model of the Fortnight or try your luck being a Model of the Fortnight in our series, please contact Anas Khan on 0212054171.

Email: You can also join Anas on Facebook.

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