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Love and respect mark International Women’s Day in Auckland

Allison Mooney hugs Hansa Naran as an expression of friendship (Photo Supplied)

Hansa Naran
Auckland, March 14, 2025

A diverse group of individuals of both genders attended a free event that I hosted on Saturday 8 March at the Waiau Pa Hall, where white roses and greenery adorned the tables together with giveaways and hall decorations to make one feel homely and special.

Rachel Speedy as the Master of Ceremonies welcomed the audience to the event followed by a candle-lighting ceremony where the women over 80 years and all the men did the honours to recognise women all over the planet who, like us, would be getting together to celebrate International Women’s Day.

Ms Speedy then entertained us with the inspiring women she remembered from the 1980s concluding with her memories of that era and the role she played in the fight for women’s rights. A short break followed to indulge in home baking and a cup of chai only to be charged up for the powerful 90-minute presentation from our guest Allison Mooney.

Allison Mooney’s Book, Pressing the Right Buttons was a source of inspiration (Photo Supplied)

Inspirational Allison Mooney

Mooney, an award-winning international conference presenter and author of Pressing the Right Buttons, addressed the problems many of us have in understanding others and explained how without this skill it is more difficult to form strong and lasting relationships.

Allison’s humour and insight into the workings of human relationships gave everyone plenty to think about and putting into practice her recommendations will enhance not just their own lives but the lives of the community in general.

Are you one of these personalities? Playful; Precise; Peaceful or Powerful?

If you can identify with one and see the difference in others, then you are on your way to forming great relationships with colleagues, friends and family.

Men honoured women at the International Women’s Day in Auckland (Photo Supplied)

Achieving Nirvana

Understanding and supplying what each of these people needs will give you the tools to achieve that Nirvana. Look out for playful people and give them your attention, affection and approval; precise people sensitivity, space and support; peaceful people respect, valuing and harmony and powerful people with credit, loyalty and appreciation.

So, people, keep your eyes peeled for the characteristics that define these personalities and adapt your approach to their differences accordingly.  You will be rewarded!

I extend my thanks to all those who attended the event and those who actively took part in making the event so successful. I am pleased to report that the count was 75.

Hansa Naran is a community worker and perhaps the only member of the Indian community to mark the Anniversary of Suffrage Day on September 19 every year in New Zealand. She has been a Justice of the Peace since 2014, a Victim Support volunteer and a Kiwani (an international service organisation) and has donated incubators, children’s stationary and clothing to children’s missionaries and traditional sarees for women who cannot afford bridal clothing in India. King Charles awarded her a Queen’s Service Medal on the New Year Honours List in 2024.

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