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Little bundles of joy are His making

Carey Kinsolving – Realisation ensures presence- Carey Kinsolving

“God created babies to entertain people,” Jacob (age unknown) said.

“They entertain by looking cute and talking baby talk. For some reason, people find it entertaining. Personally, I think it is silly.”

Jacob, just wait until you and your wife have your first baby. You’ll be there with all the other fathers saying, “Goo, goo, gah, gah.”

“God made babies to be his treasures. He loves every one,” says Ben.

Lord’s Heritage

The Bible says that children are a “Heritage from the Lord.”

In the agricultural economy of ancient Israel, children were compared to “olive plants all around your table.” They were compared to “arrows in the hand of a warrior,” which is symbolic of strength.

For a fuller picture of children being a blessing, read Psalms 127 and 128.

“The fruit of the womb is a reward,” declares the psalmist, in contrast to some people in our society who view their own babies as a hindrance to their lifestyle or career.

Others refuse to be inconvenienced. They discard the reward by visiting the nearest abortion clinic.

“God created babies to keep the human race alive,” Ben said.

First Command

God’s First Command to Adam and Eve was “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it” (Genesis 1:28). Babies are a vital part of God’s plan for mankind, and so are good parents.

“If babies were not born, they could not learn about God,” says Madeline.

Jesus said there were certain things he had hidden from the wise but revealed to the childlike (Matthew 11:25). The “wise” of whom Jesus spoke were those who had heard and seen God’s revelation in his teaching and miracles, but had not turned to God. In contrast, little children love to be taught.

God reveals himself to the humble, childlike and simple. We must learn to depend on God as a child looks to a parent. It’s akin to what Jesus taught about becoming as children to enter his kingdom.

Spiritual perception

The Lord responds to simple, childlike faith. The faith that depends on the Lord Jesus as the only hope for heaven is the same faith we need to trust him with everyday problems.

When it comes to life after death, the spiritually perceptive know they need the new life that the Lord Jesus offers to all who trust in him. But when it comes to everyday problems, our tendency is toward self-sufficiency.

We enter this world as babies totally dependent on others. When born from above by God’s Spirit, we enter the spiritual world as babies.

It takes time to grow up where we can say with the Apostle Paul, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

“I think God made babies so that they would grow up and serve him,” says Julia. “God made people to worship him,” adds Lymay.

Master Plan

Think about this: The idea of God creating babies so that they could grow up to serve and worship him may sound strange to some, but not to those who know that God has a Master Plan for each of us from our mother’s womb. Christians have a biblical basis for imparting a sense of destiny into the lives of their children. Unfortunately, many parents impart chaos and confusion by using television as a babysitter.

Memorise this truth: “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward” (Psalm 127:3).

Ask this question: Have you devoted as much time and thought to your children’s relationship with God as their relationships with other children, physical health and recreational activities?

Carey Kinsolving is an Auckland based storywriter and the above is a part of ‘Kids Talk about God’ distributed by Creators Syndicate. To access free, online ‘Kids Color Me Bible’ books, ‘Mission Explorers’ videos and all columns in a Bible Lesson Archive, visit To read journey-of-faith feature stories written by Carey Kinsolving, visit; © 2015 Carey Kinsolving 

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