Korean religious leader emphasises the oneness of God

Lee Man-hee, Founder-Chairman of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus (Photo Supplied)

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Seoul, South Korea, August 28, 2022

A popular religious leader has said that people should come together in the name of God and subject themselves to self-interrogation and ask, ‘Who am I?’

Speaking at an online Seminar held on August 13, 2022, Lee Man-hee, Founder-Chairman of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus said that people should not just say that they believe in God but must be believers acknowledged by Heaven.

“You must be checking and believing in God’s words. There is only one God, one Jesus and one Bible. Why should we fight? Let us become in God’s words,” he said.

The fulfilment of Revelation

His talk, titled, ‘The fulfilment of Revelation I have witnessed was telecast on YouTube.

The Seminar was the third in a series of discourses comprising introductory, intermediate, and advanced courses of Shincheonji Church of Jesus.

He addressed the prophecy and fulfilment of Revelation.

“Everyone, please listen to what I speak about the Revelation by checking if it is correct or incorrect. If you want to know the Bible and go to heaven, you should check the contents of the fulfilment of Revelation,” he said.

Explaining the background of his Ministry, Lee said that he did not study in a Theology School but that Jesus showed him the fulfilment of Revelation.

“He commanded me to testify what I saw to the Churches. That is how I started this duty to testify the prophecy and fulfilment of Revelation,” he said.

Emphasising that the new covenant that Jesus had promised during the First Coming was the Book of Revelation, he said that it was fulfilled in the Second Coming.

The way to Salvation

“He specifically testified the core contents and the fulfilment of Revelation 1 to 22, and said, that every single word is fulfilled as it is written in the Revelation. Jesus said, “All of this should happen.’ If you call us heresy when we say this, it goes against the Bible. Please check it,” he said.

Lee asked pastors to realise the reality of the Bible’s prophecies, and hear and realise the evidence that was delivered as instructed, to attain salvation.

The last three seminars by Chairman Lee, which summarise the entire Bible and the content of the Revelation, are believed to be the best in Lee’s role as a shepherd who was commanded to reveal that the time of salvation is near today.

In each Seminar, Lee asks people to point out faults if they found them.

“Please check with the Bible. ‘Let us become one in the Bible’ is acknowledged as a way to fulfil his duty as a shepherd chosen by Jesus,” he said.

The YouTube video recorded 400,000 views in three days and was confirmed to have been watched by more than 2000 pastors.

A pastor observed:  “He said that he never studied in a theology school but he mastered the entire Bible and can preach about the Old and New Testaments. This is unexplainable without God’s work. It was amazing. It was impressive to see him describe the whole content of Revelation and what was fulfilled in detail. We need to look into it in detail,” he said.

The online seminar is available on the official YouTube channel of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkAPuNuXoNY


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