Religious fundamentalism- of all sorts- will collapse
Veer Khar
Auckland, December 28, 2017
On May 29, 1453, following the Ottoman attack and the fall of Constantinople, Greek intelligentsia took off and spread all across Europe.
This catalysed the already-changing situation in Italy and began the Renaissance in Europe.
Modern Western Philosophy, Science, Industrialisation, Democracy, Economic Reforms and the dilution of the Church can all be attributed to this single event in human history.
Mass Exodus in 1990
On January 19, 1990, following the Jihadi onslaught in Kashmir, the mass migration of Pundits to other parts of India and overseas can be seen in a similar context to the European Renaissance.
The ethnic-cleansing of Pundits was devastating and it exposed India run by self-destroying, weak and corrupt government.
Internal displacement on religious grounds in a secular country raised questions and a seemingly helpless nation, sleeping with eyes open, got a jolt.
This mass of displaced people was not just any other group that met a raw deal in poor India. The Pundits organised wherever they could (even in camps) and got involved in exposing the weak national structures – generating debates and arranging workshops to awaken the masses.
Reception Nation
The Pundits with almost 100% literacy, classless society, understanding of real Hinduism, love for humanity and a lust for learning found a very receptive nation.
It was all spontaneous – a Pundit travelling in a train to Mumbai or buying some vegetables in Bangalore will engage with the people around to pass the message that India needs a revamp.
Without any bias, they interacted with masses, irrespective of their social, political, religious or economic standing.
They lobbied with various government and non-government power structures all across the globe to highlight the imminent menace of religious fundamentalism.
The rising Pundit Voice
The 9/11 massacre and scores of other happenings strengthened the Pundit voice worldwide. Through their intellect, they got media time globally and they were heard by the modern world – unbalanced and confused by the important human rights.
Developed nations started taking notice of this, which in turn encouraged the Indian state to slowly start action at all fronts.
At an election in any part of India, the Pundits started participating by organising discussions pushing for the agenda around nationalism and the necessity of curbing infestation by anti-nationals.
These 300,000 internally displaced, along with their relations (another 400,000) who had migrated from Kashmir between 1947 and 1990 acted like God-Sent messengers to sow the seeds of patriotism and breed a new generation to take the reins and change the fate of an otherwise mismanaged country.
Infusing self-respect
After about 1000 years of foreign rule, infusing the sense of self-respect and the belief of self-confidence has been the self-assigned agenda that these Pundit emissaries seem to be achieving great success.
Even on the international front, the Pundits have definitely contributed towards general awakening on the perils of religious fundamentalism – which was not understood even in the developed world just a few decades ago.
India has gained respect in the civilised world and it seems certain that the country will be paving way ahead for the future of humans on Planet Earth.
Awakened People
Today there are less communal riots in India – because there are more awakened people who are less vulnerable to exploitation.
There is less corruption – because the masses are choosing more reliable representatives fearlessly.
People are treading across regional, social, linguistic and religious divides – because the ‘Bharati’ within is now more important.
This may be just the beginning of a mountainous ahead, but it is definite: The Indian renaissance is already in progress – The Pundits from Kashmir are destined to succeed.
Veer Khar is a passionate writer and debater, expressing his view without reservation of fear. He has often demonstrated that he cannot be intimidated by power or money. He is the Immediate Past President of Manukau Indian Association, renamed last year as Indian Association of New Zealand.